Once you have created a Job and authorized it, the translation process begins, and the Job is in progress. Using the Jobs Dashboard will give you a high-level overview of all Jobs in the account and project. To view and manage a Job in detail, enter the Job by clicking the Job name. This page is known as the Job Details.
View & Update Job Details
Within the Job, you can view, manage, and edit the Job details. The Job details are located on the left-hand panel of the Job. There are five panes in the Jobs details:
Job Summary
This pane is a breakdown of the Job's data.
- Job progress bar: View the Job's status and progress
- Manage Due Dates: allows you to set a deadline for each task in the workflow
- Turnaround type: Smartling Language Services customers can see Rush or Standard depending on the Job type they requested. Non-SLS customers will only ever see Standard Job.
- Overall Job Due Date: click the due date to update the Job deadline
- View Strings: allows you to access the Strings View filtered by all strings in all languages in that Job
- Total Words: the sum of the total source words of the Job, for all languages in the Job
- Weighted Words: the sum of the total weighted words of the Job, for all languages in the Job
- Character Count: the sum of the total character count of the source strings, for all languages in the Job. If there is no count displayed, simply refresh the estimate to refresh the character count
- Cost Estimate: the estimated cost of the Job based on the fuzzy estimate for the content in the Job, along with the appropriate fuzzy profiles and rate cards
- View the estimate timestamp of when it was last generated and click Refresh to view an updated estimate.
- View Estimate Details opens the Estimate Details dialog where you can view and download the Job’s estimates
Context Coverage
Here, you can view an estimation of the percentage of the content that has Visual Context. For Jobs with anything less than 100% context, you can upload visual context files, and view strings that have not matched with any visual context.
The Issues panel indicates the number of open source and translation issues in the Job. Click to open the Issues Report, filtered for the Job.
Job Attachments
Here, you can upload a Job Attachment by clicking Add Attachments.
You can view, download and delete any uploaded Job Attachments by clicking View Attachments.
Attachments that are an image file type can be previewed simply by clicking the file name.
Additional Details
This pane contains any information you may have entered in the Request Translation wizard, including:
- Reference Number: to add or update the Job Reference Number, click Add Reference Number. This is an internal number that is only visible in the Job Details to Account Owners, Project Managers, and Requesters.
- Description: To add or update the Job Description, click Add Description. This is additional important information about the translation task that you want linguists to read. This is visible in the Additional Details panel to users in the CAT Tool and in the View Details dialog in the Agency Account Owner Jobs Dashboard.
- Custom Fields (if enabled): this is visible to any user who has access to the Job Details or the CAT Tool.
Manage Job Assets
Within the Job, you can view, manage, and edit the Job's assets. The Job's assets are located under the respective tab names within the Job;
The Languages tab lists all the languages in the Job and their current state.
- To add another target language to the Job, click Add Languages
- To remove a target language from the Job, click the 3 dots under Actions > Remove Language
- Progress: The color-coded progress bar indicates the workflow step the languages are in. Hover over the bar to view the workflow step.
- Total Words: The number indicates the total word count for that language in the Job. This is also a quick link to the Strings View, filters for the Job, and language.
- Actions: click to open the CAT Tool for that language, or remove the language
The Files tab lists all the files in the Job and their progress. Here you can add new or updated files, download translations, view progress and strings, and remove files from the Job.
Add File
Click Add File to upload another source file to the Job, or an updated version of the source file in progress.
- You can drag and drop or select files from your local drive
- By default, files will be added to the Job for all languages
- Click Select languages to choose the target languages for the file
- The content in this file will stay in Awaiting Authorization until you click Authorize.
Download Files
Click Download Files to download all files in the Job (in-bulk) or click the downward arrow beside the file name to download each file (individually).
Next, select how you want the translated files to be downloaded from the following fields:
Choose the state you want to download content in from one of the following options:
Current Translations: downloads a file per language in the Job containing all saved translations in their current state in the workflow.
- If a language is not fully translated, the file will contain source copy content
- Downloads only the files on the page
- If there are more than one page of files, you must navigate to each page to download the list.
Published Translations: downloads a file per language in the Job containing all published translations, including pre-published translations.
- If a language is not fully published, the file will contain source copy content
- Downloads only the files on the page
- If there are more than one page of files, you must navigate to each page to download the list
Fully Published Files: downloads only published files.
- Published means all authorized and not excluded strings have reached the published step, regardless if the source file is split into multiple Jobs
- If a language is not fully published, no file will download for that language (unlike options 1 and 2 above)
- Downloads all files on all pages (if there are multiple pages of files)
- Max. 500 translated files (e.g. 100 source files translated into 5 languages will reach the max download, if each language is downloaded in a separate translated file).
- If there are no published files available to download, a confirmation message will appear to notify you that no files are available at this time
Choose which target languages you want to download. You can make a selection or select all in the Job. The language code will be added to the translated file name.
File Organization
Choose how you want your files organized locally from one of the following options:
Subfolders for language: downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language.
- Each folder is titled by locale ID.
- The translated file does not contain a locale ID in the file name.
Language in file names: downloads a .zip file containing a file per language.
- The file name contains the locale ID.
- Subfolders for language and language in filename: downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files with the locale ID in the file name.
The color-coded progress bar indicates the workflow step the languages are in. Hover over the bar to view the workflow step.
Total Words
The number indicates the total word count for that language in the Job. This is also a quick link to the String View, filters for the Job, and file.
Click the downward arrow to download files. Here you can download translated files as detailed above, or choose to download the source file. Click the 3 dots to remove the file.
The Workflows tab lists the workflow each locale is translated in. You can access the workflow configuration by clicking the workflow name. The number indicates the total word count on each step. This is also a quick link to the String View, filters for the Job, language, and workflow step.
Here, you can add specific deadlines for each workflow step by clicking Add Dates for Workflow Steps.
The History tab lists the actions taken on the Job. You'll be able to see the following:
- Job creation
- Status change
- Content added
- Content removed
- Due date changes
Events are listed in descending order and aggregated by type and time. For example, let's say, during the span of 1-hour, you added 1000 strings, one by one. Smartling will group your actions using increments of 10 min:
- You added 240 strings at 1:45PM
- You added 160 strings at 1:23PM
- You added 500 strings at 1:11PM
- You added 100 strings at 1:00PM
View Strings in a Job
You can easily view all strings within a Job.
- Enter the Job by clicking the Job Name
- Under Job Summary, click View Strings.
- This will bring you to the Strings View, filtered for the Job. Read about Strings View functionality here.