Your Smartling account is structured into Projects and Jobs.
Projects are translation environments for the various types of content you want to translate.
For example, there could be a Project for the translation of your legal documents, a separate Project for your marketing assets, a Project for your website translation etc.
Structuring your account into Projects ensures that your content is organized in Smartling.
Projects can also be used to provide a dedicated workspace for each department within your organization that want to handle translations in a decentralized and independent way.
Each Project can be configured with a set of languages and linguistic assets, as well as your preferred translation provider and workflow, which help you save valuable time during the creation of new translation orders.
Continue reading for more information on when to create a new Project and configuring a Project.
Within each Project, you then create translation orders, which are called Jobs in Smartling.
The content of a file or webpage is packaged into a Job. You must decide the languages you want to Job translated into.
For each Job, you can choose who should work on the translation by selecting the right workflow. Before initiating the translation of a Job, you can see a cost estimate directly in Smartling.
Jobs typically have a due date (or deadline), so your linguists know exactly when the translations need to be delivered.
Once a Job is authorized, translators assigned to the specified languages of are automatically notified. They then access the content for translation in the CAT Tool - the environment in which translations happen.
To ensure quality, Jobs should also include visual context for translators.
For more information on creating and managing translation Jobs, read Create a Job / Request Translation and Manage Translation from the Job Details.
Projects vs Jobs
Projects provide the right environment for the translation of your various content types.
They allow you to pre-configure default settings, such as the right set of languages, linguistic assets, workflows, people, and translation providers, making the creation of your actual translation Jobs a quick and easy process.
Jobs, on the other hand, are the translation events that occur within a Project. They enable you to manage your translation budget and timeline directly in the Smartling platform, by allowing you to set up a due date and check the estimated translation cost in advance.