As an Agency Project Manager, your Smartling user role could either be an Agency Account Owner or Translation Resource Manager. The Jobs Dashboard enables you to view all the Jobs from your customers, across all accounts in one place, and easily find those which have a higher priority. From here, you can manage all of your daily tasks: be able to easily view strings in progress, assign work to resources and set due dates by workflow task, run a fuzzy estimate, and address any issues.
Once translators have saved and submitted their work via the CAT Tool, the completed Jobs will no longer appear in the Jobs Dashboard list.
Accessing the Jobs Dashboard
As an Agency Account Owner
Login to Smartling to see the Jobs Dashboard
As a Translation Resource Manager
Login to Smartling to enter the Project Dashboard
Click Jobs Dashboard at the top of the page to enter the Jobs Dashboard
Navigating the Jobs Dashboard
By default, up to 500 Jobs are displayed per page. To display more Jobs, navigate to the next page in the Jobs Dashboard.
The center-panel columns of the Jobs Dashboard will include the Job Name with associated project name underneath, a color-coded progress bar, the total word count of the entire Job, the due date, and the date the Job was created.
The Jobs Dashboard shows the following columns:
Job Name
Includes the name of the Job, Project name (hyperlinked, that brings you directly to that specific project, and subsequently, your list of translations: Content > Translations), and Account name.
Under Account name will display an information icon if the Job includes a description
The flag icon indicates the number of Issues
The paperclip with the number of Job Attachments.
Languages & Progress
The number of languages in the Job that require assignment.
A color-coded progress bar - purple bars represent Translation and orange represents Editing.
Hover over the bar to display the target language and the step you are working on, and the percentage of translations saved of the total words in the Job. If you work on multiple locales for a Job, you will see multiple progress bars - each bar represents a locale.
Click Expand languages to view each progress bar and language independently.
Total Words
The number of words in the Job.
Due Date
The due date for the entire Job.
Click the gear icon to assign due dates for each task in the workflow.
User who authorized the Job for translation, and the time and date it was authorized.
Export The Jobs Dashboard
You can export a CSV file of the Jobs Dashboard, by clicking the Export as CSV link.
The exported file will include the following columns:
- Job Name
- Project
- Job Number
- Account
- Description
- Issues
- Language
- Workflow step name
- Total Words
- SLS Due Date
- Overall Job Due Date
- Task Due Date
- Authorized On
- Authorized By
- Custom Fields
Customize The Jobs Dashboard
You can customize the columns of the Jobs Dashboard by switching the view from default to custom. For more information, read Customize Your Jobs Dashboard: Agency Account Owners / Translation Resource Managers.
You can change the order in which the Jobs are listed in the Jobs Dashboard by using the Sort by function, which will allow you to sort the Jobs Dashboard view by Account, Date Authorized, Overall Due Date, Task Due Date, or Risk.
Jobs Dashboard Actions
Depending on the state of the Job, the blue actions button could display one of the following actions:
- View Details: Click to open the Job Details and view assigned words, unassigned words, and the due date for each workflow step.
- From here you can view the Job number, which is a unique ID for the Job, created by Smartling.
- You can also view the Job description, which is additional important information about the translation task, provided by Account Owner, Project Manager or Requester users (typically the user who created the Job).
- Assign: Click to assign tasks to translation resource users.
Next to the blue actions button, there is an ellipsis, where you can click to get a Fuzzy Estimate for the Job. A fuzzy match estimate is only available for translation tasks and not editing tasks.
Jobs Dashboard Filters
Preset Filters
The following are preset filters on the Jobs Dashboard:
- All Jobs (default)
- At Risk
- Due Soon
- Late Jobs
- Open Issues
- Require Assignment
- Upcoming
Jobs At Risk or Late
To filter for Jobs at risk of being late or Jobs that are late, click Jobs At Risk or Late Jobs from the left navigation. This filter should be used to quickly identify Jobs that are at risk of being late, or late.
At Risk
A Job with workflow task due dates may display in the At Risk filter if the workflow task due date has passed. If a Job doesn't have workflow task due dates set, it won't appear at risk.
A Job that is still in progress on or passed the workflow step due date is at risk of being late.
Jobs at risk are denoted with a vertical yellow bar on the Jobs Dashboard.
Late Jobs
A Job that is still in progress on or passed the Job due date is late.
Late Jobs are denoted with a red vertical bar on the Jobs Dashboard.
You can save any filter-set used in the Jobs Dashboard. For more information, read Saved Searches.
Jobs With Open Issues
To filter Jobs with issues, click Open Issues from the left navigation. Under the Job Name column, you'll see the issues flag icon together with the number of open issues on that Job.
- Click the flag to view open Issues
- Click the issue to Comment or Comment & Close.
You can also access the Issues Report under Report, if the Account Owner has granted your user role with permission.
Finding Jobs that Require Assignment
To assign work to Translators and Editors, click Require Assignment from the left navigation. It is important to note that this may also include tasks for new languages added by content owners, that have not yet been assigned resources.
For more information, read our documentation for steps on how to assign work to translators.
Upcoming Jobs
The Upcoming tab contains upcoming Jobs in workflows you have been assigned to. This allows you to assess your workload and capacity in advance.
Run a Fuzzy Estimate
At any point, you can run a fuzzy estimate and download it as a CSV file. You also have the option to re-run a fuzzy estimate (Refresh Estimate). This is useful if your Job has changed since the last time an estimate was created.
This fuzzy estimate differs slightly from the one in your Projects Dashboard. In the Projects Dashboard, the estimate is only for the strings in the translation step. In the Jobs Dashboard, the estimate is for all the content within the Job (for the steps that are accessible to you). For example, if a Job has 100 words in the translation step and 200 words in the editing step, the estimate will be for all 300 words.
Refresh Data
The data shown in your list of Jobs is automatically updated every 3-hours. However, if you wish to refresh the data manually, simply refresh your browser.
Expand Languages
From within your list of Jobs, if you click the duel-diagonal arrow icon, you will see each language and the workflow name, along with the breakdown of word count in each step.
The icon on the column header expands all languages for all Jobs in view.
Job Attachments
Job Attachments allows for reference files to be associated with a Job and accessible to all users who have access to the Job or the content in a Job. These files are non-translatable and do not go through the translation workflow or count towards word count estimates.
For more information, read Finding Additional Information from Content Owners with Job Attachments
The Jobs Dashboard is where you will spend your time managing translation tasks and the resources for each Job. The actual translation work happens in the CAT Tool (for translation and editing tasks) and Review Mode (for review/proofread tasks).
Once translations are complete, and the Job is published (complete), the Job will no longer appear on your Jobs Dashboard.
You can download translated files from the List View.