Requester users can submit content for translation by creating a Job. Jobs created by Requesters will be Awaiting Authorization until an Account Owner or Project Manager user authorizes the Job. Requesters can only see Jobs they requested on their dashboard.
Due to their limitations, Requester users should not be added to Connector, GDN, or API projects.
Activate your Profile
When an Account Owner or Project Manager user adds you to the account, you will receive an email invitation to activate your profile. As this is from a "noreply" email address, ensure to check Spam and make a safe sender to your mailbox.
To activate your profile, click the link in the invite.
Once you activate your Smartling profile by following the steps on the email invite, you will be brought to your Smartling Dashboard.
Enable Notification Preferences
We recommend you enable your Global Notification Preferences first. This will ensure you will receive email notifications from Smartling on your Jobs.
To enabled notification preferences;
- Click the dropdown under your name
- Click Edit Profile
- Scroll down to Global Notification Preferences > toggle ON > Save Changes
- Click Notifications (top right) to select notifications
To return to the dashboard, click the Smartling logo (top left).
Create a Job
To submit content for translation, create a translation job;
- Click Request Translation.
- Complete the fields in the Request Translation Portal;
- Upload the file for translation - drag & drop or select files from your local drive
- Enter the Job Name (required)
- Choose the Project the Job will be translated in
- Set a Job Due Date
- Reference Number
- Description
- Choose the Target Languages (required) by typing the locale or clicking Select All
- Custom Field data if required
- Click Confirm.
Your translation Job has now been created and is in Draft until you click Submit. You can always rename or cancel the request by clicking 3 dots under Actions > Rename / Cancel
This is a good opportunity to check your content to ensure it has been ingested correctly before submitting it.
File names in Smartling
When a file is uploaded to Smartling by a Requester, a unique identifier is automatically generated and added to the file name as a prefix. This ID consists of 12 randomly generated characters and guarantees that each file is recognized as unique in your Smartling account.
The file name in Smartling follows this structure:
[Prefix ID]/[file name].[file extension]
For example:
All files that are uploaded at the same time (within the same “Request translation” dialogue) will use the same prefix.
For example:
If both files (My Demo File.txt and My Second Demo File.csv) are uploaded to Smartling at the same time, they both use the same ID as their prefix.

Translated files
When downloading translated files from Smartling, you will receive a .zip folder.
Open the .zip folder to access a subfolder (named after the prefix ID), which contains the localized file(s).
For example:
Check Content & Edit Job
To modify the Job with additional detail, enter the Job by clicking the Job Name. Here you can add any detail you missed when creating the Job via the Request Translation Portal such as;
- Add/Edit Due Date
- Get a Cost Estimate
- Add a Job Attachment to provide additional reference material for the linguists: Add Attachments
- Add/Edit Reference Number
- Add/Edit Description
- Remove a language from the Job: Actions > Remove
- Upload visual context from the Context Coverage panel > Upload Context
To check the content was ingested correctly, enter the Strings View by clicking View Strings. Here, you can add detail to the Job on a string-level by selecting the string(s) and click Actions to;
- Change Job: Move the strings from one Job to another
- Export: Download the strings
- Edit tags: Add tags to the strings for ease in search/filtering
- Edit Character Limit: Add a character limit to the translation
- Edit Translator Instructions: Add instructions on how you want the string translated
- Add Context: Upload an image file to provide visual context to linguists
- Remove Context: undo the previous action and remove any uploaded image file
- Exclude: Exclude content from translation
- Restore Excluded: undo the previous action and restore any excluded strings back for translation
To return to the Job view, click Go back to Job
To submit the Job to the Account Owner or Project Manager, click Submit
Your Job will now be visible on the Account Owner and Project Manager dashboard in Awaiting Authorization. Again, you can always rename or cancel the request by clicking 3 dots under Actions > Rename / Cancel. Additionally, you can now get a fuzzy estimate on the Job by clicking 3 dots under Actions > Fuzzy Estimate
When the Account Owner or Project Manager authorizes the job, the status updates from Awaiting Authorization to In Progress. Depending on your notification preferences (see above), you will receive an email notifying you that your job has been authorized for translation. To view the Job, you can click the link on the email, or find the Job on the Dashboard.
Check the Status of a Job (New Experience)
When your Job is In Progress, you can check its status by hovering over the progress bar. This will indicate how many words are in each step of the workflow. To get a more detailed view;
- Enter the Job by clicking the Job name.
- Click the Workflows tab to view how many strings are in each step.
Check the Status of a Job (Classic)
A job allows you to group and prioritize content for translation. You can check the status of a job you submitted in Smartling by clicking the link from within your email notification, or by logging in to Smartling.
- Go to Projects Dashboard.
- Mouse over the project. Click View Project.
- Click the name of the job to view the overall status of your request.
- Hover over the progress bar to display the status of your request by workflow step.
Manage Issues
When linguists ask a question about a Job, they open an Issue. Depending on your permissions, you may not be able to see a new Issue when it is opened. New Issues that you have access to will be indicated with a red flag icon at the top of your page and next to each job. Read more on how to manage Issues here.
Completed Jobs
When your content has been translated, your Job is complete. Depending on your notification preferences, you will receive an email notifying you that the translation job is complete. Click the link on the email to download the translations.
Translations will be completed in the same file format as the source file
Download Translations (New Experience)
- In Smartling, enter the Job by clicking the Job name, or click the link on the email notification (above)
- Click the Files tab > Download Files.
- Choose how you want your translated files to be downloaded.
- Subfolders for languages: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files. No language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one file per language for each file in your translation job. The language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Subfolders for languages and languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files with the language code in the file name.
- Click Download.
Download Translations (Classic)
You can download completed translations.
- Go to Project Dashboard. Select the project.
- Click Jobs (or click the link from within your email notification).
- Click More > Download Files.
- Select how you'd like your translated files to be downloaded.
- Subfolders for languages: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files. No language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one file per language for each file in your translation job. The language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Subfolders for languages and languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files with the language code in the file name.
- Click Download.
Enable project notifications to be notified when translation requests are complete.
Making Updates to a Source File
If a file that is currently being translated needs to be updated, the translation Job in progress needs to be cancelled before the new version of the source file can be uploaded for translation.
Follow these steps to upload an updated file version for translation:
(Optional) Notify your translation vendor:
While not strictly necessary, you may want to notify your translation vendor before cancelling the Job in progress. This allows the translators to ensure that any work that has already begun is properly saved and accounted for. -
Cancel the job containing the outdated source file:
Once you are ready to proceed, you can then cancel the Job in progress from your Jobs Dashboard, by selecting the option "Cancel" from the ellipses menu. -
Create a new Job for the updated file:
To upload a new version of the file, simply follow the usual steps to create a new translation Job by clicking "Request Translation". -
Submit the new Job for authorization:
Once the job has been submitted and subsequently authorized for translation, the updated file will now be translated.
In Smartling, the updated file is recognized as a new and unique file.
If the new file contains some of the same content as the previous version, the translations which were saved as part of the old Job can be re-used to generate cost and time savings:
- Strings that were saved to the Translation Memory in the earlier Job but were still in progress, will be available as fuzzy matches for the new Job.
- Strings that were saved to the Translation Memory in the earlier Job and reached the Published step, will be available as SmartMatches for the new job (provided that SmartMatch is enabled for the Linguistic Package associated with your project).
As the updated file version is considered to be a unique file in Smartling, any associated reports (e.g. the Word Count Report available to Project Managers and Account Owners) will list both the old and the new file versions separately.