Ensure your new language is listed under the Smartling Supported Languages. For a complete guide to translating in a new language, read Checklist to Translating in a New Language.
- From within a Project, click into the Settings tab.
- From the left-hand menu, navigate to the Project Languages.
- Click Add Language to display the Add Languages dialog.
- Select a language from the list.
- Select a Default Translation Workflow.
- Choose a Style Guide
- If you would like to add more than one new language, click Add Another Language.
- Once all details have been provided for the selected languages, click Add to confirm.
Tip: Don't forget to add the new language to a Glossary.
Translation of Existing Content in a New Language
By default, Smartling does not automatically authorize any existing content for translation into the new language.
Follow these steps depending on your integration to authorize content for translation into the new language.
Files & GDN Projects
After adding a new language, you can then create a Jobs Automation Rule based on your requirements. Select include partially authorized content if you would like to include content that has been authorized already into at least one other language.
Alternatively, go to the Strings View or the Files/Pages tab, filter for specific content and select “Request Translation” from the Actions menu to create a Job. This option also allows you to view a cost estimate before authorizing the content.
Connector Projects
Please note that many connectors require you to map the new Smartling locale to the correct language as it shows up in the connecting application. Once this language mapping process is completed, translations can be requested for the new language.
Native: Request translation from the connecting application instance.
Hosted: In the Connector Project in Smartling, go to the Asset List (Connector tab), select the assets you want to translate in the new language, and Request Translation from the Actions menu to create and authorize a Job for the new language.
This option also allows you to view a cost estimate before authorizing the content.