As an Agency Account Owner, you oversee a team of linguists and project managers who handle various accounts in Smartling. If a translator works on one customer account and also serves as a project manager for another customer account, you can assign them both roles, as long as the accounts are distinct.
As an Agency Account Owner, you can add the same email address as two user roles - Translation Resource (translator) and Translation Resource Manager (translator with project manager responsibilities).
The one email address must be assigned to two different customer accounts for each user role.
How to Give a User Two User Roles
As an Agency Account Owner, follow the steps to
- Add a user under one user role (TR)
- Next, assign that user to workflow steps on one account
- Then, repeat the steps to adding the same user email under a different user role (TRM)
- Finally, assign that user to workflow steps on a different account
You can invite the user as a TR first or a TRM first, the order is not relevant.
Once the user has completed registration for Smartling, they can switch between their dual-user roles via the role switcher toggle on the top-right of their Jobs Dashboard.
The role switcher toggle does not appear instantaneously, please allow up to one hour for this to appear in your dashboard.
How to Switch User Roles
- Hover over the user icon under your user account dropdown menu
- This opens the role switcher menu, where you can switch between your current user role and your other user role. The user role with the green check is your current user role.
For more information on user role permissions, read our documentation on User Permissions