All new Global Delivery Network (GDN) projects have an automatically configured Capture Content for each domain that is added to that project. This is a localized domain that can capture content, but uses pseudo translation to show all strings rather than the actual translations. In other words, all content that passes through the proxy will appear pseudo-localized, allowing you to simulate a translated website before any real translation is done. This is helpful for the following reasons:
- Content capture: If text is not pseudo translated, it means it's not passing through the proxy, and is a good indication that integration is required to capture certain content. The GDN Crawler can also be configured to crawl your website on a schedule.
- Layout considerations: Pseudo translation applies a degree of common expansion when translating English content to another language. This helps you detect if content will be truncated or not fit with your current site design once translated. If this occurs, consider specifying language-specific CSS.
- Readability: It's easy for the user to read the content and identify what has or hasn't been captured.
- General Integration Issues: In addition to understanding which content is and isn't passing through the GDN proxy system, you may see other layout issues or even functional issues related to content passing through the proxy. These are also indicative of integration work you may need to do for your localized sites to operate properly using the GDN.
Because this is a proxy using a Smartling top-level domain ( some parts of your site may not appear or work properly, for example, custom fonts that only operate on your domain. If this is an issue for your use of the Capture Content feature, contact Smartling Support.
Access Capture Content
To access the Capture Content feature:
- Go to Projects and select your GDN project.
- Go to Settings > Domains.
- Select a domain and click the arrow. Select Capture content.
edit_mode URL parameters are not supported.
Viewing and Translating Captured Content
Once content has been captured and ingested into Smartling for translation, it is collected into a Job and sits in Awaiting Authorization status. This allows you to check the content before authorizing it for translation.
This process can be automated by using Job Automation Rules or GDN Advance Rules.
You can also find a list of all captured domains in the Pages tab of your GDN project in Smartling.
Here, you can view the page detail by clicking the URL under the thumbnail. Choose the page response for each language from the Response dropdown.
To send the page for translation, select the page thumbnail, click Actions > Request Translation.
Complete the fields in the dialog to start the translation process.
Strings View
The Strings View of your GDN project lists all strings that have been captured by the GDN into Smartling. From here, you can view each string's detail, use the search and filters to quickly locate a specific string, and action a string, such as Requesting Translation.
Want to hide strings that haven't appeared on your site recently? Check out the GDN's String Activity Tracking feature.