Once you have created a Job and authorized it the translation process begins, and the Job is in progress. Using the Jobs Dashboard will give you a high-level overview of all Jobs in the account and project. To view and manage a Job in detail, enter the Job by clicking the Job name.
Edit Job Details
Within the Job, you can view, manage, and edit the Job details. The Job details are located on the left-hand panel of the Job.
- Under Job Summary
- Rename / Cancel Job: click the gear icon and select Rename Job / Cancel Job
- Edit Due Date: click the due date and update
- Under Additional Details
- Update the Job Reference Number: click Add Reference Number
- Update the Job Description: click Add Description
Manage Job Assets
Within the Job, you can view, manage, and edit the Job's assets. The Job's assets are located under the respective tab names within the Job; Languages, Files, and History.
The Languages tab lists all the languages in the Job and their current state.
- Languages:
- Add another target language to the Job: click Add Languages (you will have to Authorize the translation for an additional language).
- Remove a target language from the Job: click the 3 dots under Actions > Remove Language
- Progress: The progress bar indicates the workflow step the languages are in. Hover over the bar to view the workflow step.
- Actions: click to remove a language from the Job.
The Files tab lists all the files in the Job and their current state.
Add File: click to upload another source file to the Job. You can drag and drop or select files from your local drive. By default, files will be added to the Job for all languages. Click Select languages to choose the target languages for the file. The content in this file will stay in Awaiting Authorization until you click Authorize.
Download Files: click to download translated files. Select how you want the translated files to be downloaded;
- Subfolders for languages: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files. No language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one file per language for each file in your translation job. The language code will be added to the translated file name.
- Subfolders for languages and languages in file names: Downloads a .zip file containing one folder per language for translated files with the language code in the file name.
- Progress: The progress bar indicates the workflow step the languages are in. Hover over the bar to view the workflow step.
- Actions: Click the downward arrow to download files. Here you can download translated files as detailed above, or choose to download the source file. Click the ellipsis (3 dots) to remove the file.
The History tab lists the actions taken on the Job. You'll be able to see the following:
- Job creation
- Status change
- Content added
- Content removed
- Due date changes
Events are listed in descending order and aggregated by type and time. For example, let's say, during the span of 1-hour, you added 1000 strings, one by one. Smartling will group your actions using increments of 10 min:
- You added 240 strings at 1:45PM
- You added 160 strings at 1:23PM
- You added 500 strings at 1:11PM
- You added 100 strings at 1:00PM