This article is for Agency Account Owners, Translation Resource Managers, and Translation Resources.
Fuzzy estimates indicate how large a Job is and are a useful way to understand how much you will earn for a translation Job. Account Owner and Project Manager users can generate the same information to help them understand how much the Job will cost. It is a prediction of a job’s final word-count totals and cost if the job were to be translated at the point when the estimate is run. It's based on the appropriate fuzzy profiles and rate cards.
You can get a fuzzy estimate for all workflow steps you have access to. A fuzzy estimate can be generated for a step as soon as content is in that step. If a step does not have a Fuzzy Match Profile associated with it, the estimate will simply display the Word Count for that step. Estimates will not include content in the Published step. Fuzzy estimates can be generated for "Available to Accept" jobs if the content is in a translation step.
You can get a fuzzy estimate for a translation Job in the Jobs Dashboard.
Content must be in a Job to generate a Fuzzy Match estimate.
How to Get a Fuzzy Estimate
Go to the Jobs Dashboard by logging into Smartling, or if already logged in, click the Smartling logo on the top left of any page within the platform.
- From the Jobs Dashboard, find the Job you want to run a fuzzy estimate on
- Click the ellipsis (three dots) on the right-hand side of the page (next to the Assign/View Details button)
- Click Fuzzy Estimate
- This opens the Estimate Details dialog, where you can view a full breakdown per locale of source words, source characters, and weighted words, by fuzzy tier, along with repetitions and SmartMatches.
- To download the estimate locally for invoicing, click Download CSV
- If content has been added to the Job, and you need an updated estimate, click Refresh Estimate to generate a new fuzzy estimate