1. Can I enable Static Cache for one locale only?
Yes. For sub-domain and TLDs, this can be done from the Smartling UI, simply by toggling the switch ON for a sub-domain for that locale. For sub-folder, it requires Advanced GDN Rule customization (consult your Solutions Architect).
2. Can I enable Static Cache for certain URLs only?
Yes, but not through the Static Cache UI. Advanced GDN rules allow you to control which responses get cached based on various conditions such as URL pattern and headers.
3. Is it possible to refresh the cache on a part of a page rather than the whole page?
Not currently. Static Cache operates at the page level. But partial page caching is being tested.
4. Can I clear the cache for an entire site?
Yes. The Static Cache UI proves a way to do this. Enter * and press the Reset button for each relevant domain.
5. My page is translated--why isn’t the cache picking it up?
Ensure that it really is fully translated by viewing the footer bar in edit mode 5. Also, make sure to wait 10 minutes after completing translations.
6. Will Static Cache pick up changes in page layout or other non-translatable content?
Yes. Once a string is fully translated and published in Smartling, its cached copy is automatically refreshed every 10 minutes, as long as the page is being accessed by end users, i.e., requests are hitting the page.
7. Does Static Cache usage count as GDN requests for billing purposes?
Yes. When a response is served from the cache, it’s counted as a GDN request in the same way as if Static Cache wasn’t there.
8. Does Static Cache consider prepublished translations to be Published for the purposes of refreshing cache?
Yes. If the string on a page is either Published, Prepublished or Excluded, then the auto-refresh process will refresh the cache with the latest version of the page (approximately every 10 minutes for frequently accessed pages.
9. If a string is Excluded when Static Cache is enabled, will it show up on the page?
Yes, assuming it exists in the cached copy of the page. Excluded strings appear in the source language on GDN pages regardless of whether Static Cache is used. Other GDN rules can be used to hide them if required.
10. Why is new content not appearing in the Awaiting Authorization queue when I browse Static Cache-managed URLs.
This is probably due to the 10-minute delay on the Static Cache system getting the translated page from the GDN. Either wait 10 minutes and check again, or use another content ingestion method such as the capture domain. Or add an editmode parameter to the URL (e.g., '?smartling_editmode=0)--this will bypass the cache.
11. Is there a quick way to see the live (uncached) version of a page?
Yes. Edit mode 0 shows the uncached page. Just add ?smartling_editmode=0 to the URL. Edit mode 5 also shows the uncached page and gives options to reset the cache.
12. I’m stuck in ‘Edit Mode’--did Static Cache cache it?
No. Static Cache doesn’t cache ‘Edit Mode’ parameters. However, the browser does--simply reload the page with Edit Mode 0, then remove the parameter from the URL.
13. Can I see when an item was last cached?
This is not currently available, but might be added to Edit Mode 5 in the future.
14. Can I see when Static Cache was last reset for a site?
This is not currently available.
15. Could an untranslated string in a shared footer prevent the cache from refreshing?
Yes. The footer is most likely part of the page, and thus the page will not be considered fully translated and the cache won’t refresh.
16. Why does the cached page contain English?
The cache is initialized with whatever state the page was in when Static Cache was enabled and the page was browsed. Thus, a completely untranslated page could be stored in the cache. Manually refresh the cache for this page once translations are available.
17. Can I get a list of all cached items?
There is currently not a way to do this.
18. Does disabling caching clear the cache?
No. It prevents cached pages from being served.
19. Can I prevent cached pages from being automatically refreshed?
Yes. A ‘lock page’ capability is available in Edit Mode 5. If a ‘locked’ page is unlocked, the normal refresh process will take place, i.e., the page will be refreshed if it’s fully translated.
20. What happens to cached pages that are no longer on the site?
Cached pages that are not accessed in 30 days are removed from the cache.
21. Can I use Static Cache to prevent a page from being translated?
No. You can use standard GDN no-translate rules for this.
22. Can I prevent certain response headers from being cached?
Yes. Advanced GDN rules can be used for this. Consult your Smartling Customer Success Manager.
23. Does Static Cache affect standard HTTP caching headers?
No (but the GDN does).
24. Will changes made to non-translatable parts of the page, such as references to CSS files, get picked up by the cache.
Yes. As long as the string is considered to be fully published (or prepublished), the cache will be refreshed approximately every 10 minutes. This will result in the latest copy of the source HTML being cached.
25. In primary/secondary GDN configurations, where is Static Cache managed?
In the primary project.