When working with Smartling Language Services as your Language Service Provider, you have enhanced functionality in Smartling. As well as ready-to-go workflows with automated translator assignments, certificate of translations, and account invoices, all within the platform, you have the option to speed up translation delivery with Rush Jobs.
What are Rush Jobs?
A Rushed Job is a Job with a rapid turnaround time - translations are typically completed + 50% faster than standard turn around times.
The option to request Rush delivery is automatically available to Smartling Language Services customers for all locales when creating a Job that uses a Smartling Language Services-managed workflow steps.
Rushed delivery only applies to workflow steps managed by Smartling Language Services. If a workflow managed by Smartling Language Services has a mix of Smartling Language Services steps and non-Smartling Language Services steps (such as an internal review), the rushed delivery will not be applied to the non-Smartling Language Services steps.
When Rush delivery is checked, the turnaround type is automatically updated with the Smartling Language Services due date based on the Rush turnaround times. The Cost Estimate of the Job will also include the Rush delivery fee.
How to enable Rush Jobs
If you are already working with Smartling Language Services, you should already have a Rush Job Due Date Profile set up on your account. To check:
- Go to Account Settings > Job Due Date Settings
- Look for the Smartling Language Services Rush Profile
If it's not there, or if you are not already working with Smartling Language Services, reach out to your Customer Success Manager about enabling Rush Job functionality on your Smartling Language Services workflows.
Once enabled, a non-editable Rush Job Due Date Profile will be created on your account with the Smartling Language Services Rush turn around times. You'll then be able to create Rushed Jobs.
How to create a Rush Job
Once the Rush Job Due Date Profile is enabled on your account, the option to create a Rushed Job will be available on the Request Translation modal. You can find the Rush option on step two of the Request Translation modal, when you can view estimates and choose language workflows. If you choose to save the Job for later, enabling Rush delivery will be available when you decide to authorize the Job.
Languages Eligible for Rush
It is important to note that all languages in the Job may not be assigned to Smartling Language Services to work on. The languages eligible for rushed delivery must be assigned to a workflow managed by Smartling Language Services. When creating a Job, the number of languages assigned to a Smartling Languages Services workflow are flagged as eligible for rush delivery. In the following example, 19 of the 20 languages in the Job are assigned to Smartling Language Services, as shown:
Adjusting Languages Eligible for Rushed Delivery
If you notice a language that should be eligible for rushed delivery but is not included in the count, it is likely because the Smartling Language Services workflow is not the language's default workflow. To check and resolve:
- Scroll down to Target Language Workflows in the Request Translation modal
- Click Show details to expand a list of all languages in the Job and the workflow they will be translated in
- Languages with rushed delivery will be flagged with the thunderbolt icon
- Find the language missing the rushed icon and change the workflow to a Smartling Language Services workflow
- If there is a language in the Job that you don't need rushed, simply adjust the workflow to a non-Smartling Language Services workflow or create a separate Job for languages you want Smartling Language Services to translate in a standard turn around time.
Enabling Rush Delivery
Select the checkbox to expedite rush delivery. When Rush is enabled, the Job due dates are automatically updated to reflect the Rush turnaround times. The Cost Estimate of the Job also automatically updates to include the Rush delivery fee.
Languages with Rushed delivery are flagged in the Job details with the thunderbolt icon, like so:
Ready To Work With Us?
Contact translation@smartling.com to get started with Smartling Language Services.