When translating files in GitHub into a new language, it is not possible to control which files are translated in the branch of the configuration set. It's not a matter of what files are translated into the new languages, it's a matter of when the files should be translated.
There are two considerations when adding a new language to a GitHub Connector project in Smartling:
- Do you wish to force the translation of all files in the branch into the new language?
- Do you wish to translate all files in the branch into the new language organically?
This article guides you through both options.
Force Translation of All Files Into the New Language
- Go to your GitHub Connector project in Smartling
- Click Settings > GitHub Connector
- Switch off the configuration sets containing the branches and files you wish to translate into a new language
- Follow the steps outlined in Checklist to Translating in a New Language
- Go back to your GitHub Connector project settings (steps 1 and 2)
- Switch on the configuration sets containing the branches and files you wish to translate into a new language
The GitHub Connector scans the repository branches for files, as configured. An initial Job is created for all languages. Preexisting languages will use existing translations. Only new content (if any) is sent for translation into those languages. All content is sent for translation into the new languages.
Depending on your Auto Authorize settings, the Job should be authorized either manually or automatically. The GitHub Connector will continue to operate as normal, picking up any new content from pull requests or commits, and creating new jobs for all languages.
Translating All Files Into the New Language Organically
- Go to your GitHub Connector project in Smartling
- Follow the steps outlined in Checklist to Translating in a New Language
- Do one of the following, depending on each configuration mode:
- Pull Request Mode: Wait for the next pull request to initiate translation of branch files
- Single Branch Mode: Wait for the next commit to initiate translation of branch files
- On Demand Mode: Manually download files to Smartling to initiate translation of branch files
If you don't want to force the start of the translation of the new language, you can add the language to the Smartling project first and wait for the next trigger to initiate translation. The next pull request or commit will automatically send the changed files for translation into all languages. The updated strings are sent for translation into all existing languages, and all strings in those files are sent for translation into the new language.
Note: For Pull Request Mode and Single Branch Mode, not all files for the project will be sent for translation - only files that are changing in the pull request or commit. This means that it can take time to pick up all the files.