This article explains why Smartling flags "no content" when you have requested a file or content asset for translation.
The possible reasons why your Job has "no content" are:
- The content is in another job
- The content is available in Smartling, but has been removed from a Job
Smartling has not ingested any translatable content or the translatable content has been removed
1. Content is already in another Job
When a Job shows up with "No Content" in Smartling, it is often because the content is already part of another Job in the same project.
Smartling processes each string of content for translation only once per project. When you try to request the same file/page for translation again, but it has already been sent to Smartling before and is part of a different Job, the new Job will show up with no content.
How to check if content is already in another Job
- In the project containing the Job with “No Content”, go to the Strings View
- Use the File / URL filter and insert the filename or URL
Use the Languages filter and select the languages listed as having "No Content"
- If these filters return no results, the file or page has not been uploaded to your Smartling project yet.
- In the Jobs column of the Strings View, scan to see if there are any Job names listed, confirming that the strings have already been added to a different Job.
If you find one or multiple Job names, no further action is needed.
- The translations for all strings will be available as soon as the languages are Published in all Jobs that are still in progress.
- If translations in the other Jobs are already published, simply go to the initial Job and download the translated file for the languages as you require.
Tip: For more information, read Completed Jobs / Published Translations
2. Content is in Smartling, but was removed from a Job
How to check
- In the project containing the Job with “No Content”, go to the Strings View
- Use the File / URL filter and insert the filename / URL
Under the Job filter, select the checkbox “Not In a Job” to check for any content from this file or page that may not be included in a job anymore.
- There are several reasons why strings might not be included in any job. For further information, you can check the history in the String Details.
If this content should be translated:
- Select all relevant strings
- Click Actions > Change Job
- The content from the file or page can be added to an existing Job, or you can create a new Job.
- Ensure to authorize the content for translation.
3. What to do if you can't find the content in Smartling
If the search for the file or page in the Strings view does not return any results, this means that the content in the file or page is not currently in your Smartling project. This could be because of any one of the following:
- For Connector projects, the configuration may need adjusting
- There is no new translatable content
- Content has been removed
Important considerations for Connector configurations
If you are using a connector, ensure that:
All relevant fields are marked as localizable in the connecting application (if applicable)
- Consult the "Setting up..." article of your connector for more information.
- All languages are added to the Smartling project
- All languages are mapped accordingly from the connecting application to the Connector Language Configuration
There is no new translatable content
On most resource file types, Smartling follows directives to identify the translatable content. Directives instruct Smartling to the path in the file where your strings for translation are. If those directives are formatted incorrectly, or point to a path with no translatable content, Smartling flags that there is no content in the file.
Note: If you updated placeholders or HTML tags, but did not modify the text, the file is recognized as having no new content for translation.
How to check directives
- Open the source file locally
Check the directive that points to the translatable content in your file
- This depends on the source file type
- Ensure it is formatted correctly for the specific source file type and pointing to the right key/value
To solve this, simply;
- Adjust the directive format and value path in the source file offline
- Save under the same filename
- Re-upload to Smartling and overwrite the existing file
Tip: For more information, read Making Changes to Existing Source Content.
Content has been removed
If you had successfully created a Job for the file, page or content asset, but now it is showing up with No Content, this means that the content was removed from the Job.
Tip: For more information, read Troubleshooting Content Being Removed From a Job.