Marketo is a marketing automation software. Finding an easy and scalable solution to enable localization for everything you create becomes crucial. As a result, new and existing Marketo customers have become increasingly interested in a seamless way of translating both content and media asset types, while ensuring consistency and cost-savings. The Smartling Marketo Connector gives you the ability to do just that.
Smartling’s Marketo Connector automatically ingests your Marketo content into Smartling, allowing you to authorize this content for translation from within the Smartling platform. Translations are automatically sent back to Marketo once complete.
Dynamic HTML Visual Context is supported by default on all content types.
Smartling’s Marketo Connector ingests all assets and related assets within the following Marketo content types, including dynamic content (dynamic content is currently only supported for Email and Landing Page fields).
- Emails (template and detached, including snippets)
- Landing pages*
- Forms*
- Snippets
- Programs
*Snippets that are part of landing pages or forms are currently not ingested for translation with the respective content type. If your landing page or form includes snippets, we recommend you use the snippet filter, locate the snippet, and submit it for translation. To include the translated snippet in the translated landing page or form, you will need to manually insert it to the translated landing page or form in Marketo.
Marketo Asset List
Once you have connected your Marketo account, you will find Marketo content in the Marketo tab in your Smartling project.
Here you will see a nested list of your Marketo assets, filtered by a specific content type. Each content type has a unique icon and is managed separately from within the Smartling platform, allowing greater visibility and control over the translation management of each.
Every time you toggle between each of the Marketo content types within the Smartling platform, Smartling will check Marketo for new content. Emails are the default content filter selection.
As you navigate through the asset list, the hierarchy breadcrumb for content displays above the columns. The breadcrumb is a representation of their current position in the Marketo hierarchy, and updates as you navigate within the structure.
The Asset List will include the following columns:
- Title: the title of the asset in Marketo.
- Smartling Status: the asset's translation status in Smartling.
- Marketo Status: Draft or Approved.
- Last Modified: is the date the asset was last modified in Marketo.
- App Link: brings you directly to the asset in Marketo.
Asset Details
Click the information icon beside the asset name, to access the Asset Details page. Here you can see further information on that asset, including the translation status for each language, and view any linked entries. From here, you can also Request Translations or Export Translations for that specific asset.
If the asset has linked entries, you'll be able to view them under Linked Entries.
Marketo App Link
Occasionally, you may need to identify and confirm which Marketo assets you are selecting for translation in Smartling, beyond the detail provided in the Asset List. Look for the app link icon when viewing any Marketo asset within Smartling.
App Link Icon
Search & Filters
Content Type
The Content Type filter is a dropdown menu of all the content types listed in your Marketo instance.
A program asset is considered as a container of the translatable items that can either lie in a folder or be a part of another program. All translatable items within a program must be translated together. You cannot translate part of a program. Furthermore, the connector doesn't support requesting related assets for the program. If a program contains an asset within it, and you would like to translate just that asset (and not the entire program), filter the asset list for that asset type, select it and request translation.
Translations are delivered with the locale code appended to the file name. Any changes made to the source after it has been ingested for translation will not be reflected in the translated files. If the program is re-sent for translation, it overwrites the previously translated version.
Marketo Status
The Marketo Status filter is a dropdown menu of the Marketo Status. Use this filter to refine your search for an asset in a specific state in Marketo. Marketo Statuses include:
- Draft
- Approved
Search for Marketo Email, Landing Pages, Forms, and Snippets content by inputting the asset name in the search field. To broaden your search, ensure no other filter is applied when searching for an asset name.
Search rules: search is case-insensitive. Using special characters like `&`, `#`, etc. may not return desired results.
Emails: partial end matching search (search by "est" will find "Test", "Demo Test"). Note, it will not find "he" in "her".
Landing pages: exact matching search.
Forms: exact match search.
Snippets: partial match search (a search for "he" will find "her")
Folders: although it's not a standalone asset type, folders are present for each asset type above, and the rules are the same. The search performs an exact string match against the folder name.
Smartling Status
Completed: Translations were successfully delivered from Smartling to Marketo.
Deleted: The asset
Failed: The asset submission failed, or the translation delivery failed. A number of reasons can result in a failed status, but some of the most common are due to invalid regex causing placeholder issues, or the target languages are disabled in Marketo.
In Progress: The asset has been successfully sent to Smartling from Marketo, and the translation process has commenced but is not yet completed. If there is a case where translations are complete, but a network issue occurs, the translations will remain in progress until the Marketo Connector delivers the translations to Marketo on a successful retry.
New: The asset is in the process of being sent for a new translation request. For example, if changes were made to the source content and your Marketo Connector is configured to send the new content automatically for translation. The asset could be sitting in submission queue or sitting in Awaiting Authorization
Not Translated: The asset has never been submitted for translation.
Language Filter
Filter by the dropdown list of target languages configured in Smartling for the Marketo project. Target Languages must also be configured identically in Marketo and mapped in the Marketo Connector Language Configuration found in your Smartling Project Settings.