The Strings View is an intuitive view of all content for a client accounts on a string-level. From source content to translation, and all the metadata in between, the columns are packed with information, each of which holds different importance for each user.
You can toggle between the standard Smartling default Strings View, or your very own customized Strings View.
Default Strings View Columns
The Strings View contains the following columns of detail:
- Source String: The string in the project's source language. This column also contains strings namespace and variant metadata.
- Translation: The translation of source string (if available)
- File/URL: The file name or URL containing the source content. This column also lists the context file and string key metadata
- Language: The target language in which the source string will be translated
- Job: The Job name in which the string will be translated. Strings can be translated outside a Job; therefore, a Job name may not always be present. If there is a Job name listed, this will be hyperlinked to bring you directly to the Job when clicked.
- Status: The status the string is in, as well as the workflow name.
- Actions: This ellipse contains two functions - Strings Details and accessing the CAT Tool.
Customizing Strings View Columns
You can customize your Strings View by following these steps:
- Access the Strings View
- Click the column toggle to switch views from Default to Custom
- Now you're in the Custom View, click Manage Columns to customize the columns
- This opens the Customize Columns wizard, where you can view Available Columns not yet in view on the left, and Selected Columns that are already in view on the right.
- To add columns to the Strings View, click and drag any Available Columns to the Selected Columns group
- Alternatively, click the + symbol to move columns from left to right
- To remove columns from the Strings View, click and draft Selected Columns to the Available Columns group
- Alternatively, click the x symbol to move columns from right to left
- To reorder the columns in the Strings View, click and drag the Selected Columns from top to bottom - which displays them in order of first to last in the Strings View
- Any column with a padlock symbol cannot be removed but can be reordered
- When you are finished, click Apply Changes to update your Custom Strings View
Important Differences
The Custom Strings View does not layer column data in the same way as the Default Strings View, (see Source String, File/URI, and Status columns above).
However, unlike the Default Strings View, the Custom Strings View support horizontal scrolling, so you can view all custom selected columns by scrolling horizontally.
The same Strings View actions apply in both the Default and Custom view.
Toggle Between Views
You can switch views quickly and easily by clicking the toggle from Custom to Default.
Custom Views are unique to the user. This means that Custom Strings View link sharing with other users will result in sharing the Default Strings View.