Step 1: Registration & Login 00:12
Step 2: Notification Settings: 01:11
Step 3: Check your Jobs Dashboard 01:57
Step 4: Start Reviewing a Job 04:44
Option 1: Spot-check an entire file 05:34
Reject translations: 06:00
Submit translations: 06:36
Tips for using this option: 07:01
Option 2: Review each individual translation 07:29
Approve translations 07:52
Reject translations 08:10
Edit translations 08:38
Submit translations 09:04
Tips for using this option: 09:23
Option 3: Switch to the CAT Tool 09:50
Save translations 11:42
Edit translations 12:02
Reject translations 12:17
Submit translations 12:35
Additional Resources: 13:07
Source Issues 13:07
Translation Memory 14:37
Glossary 15:37
Tags & Placeholders 16:10
Tips for using this option 17:36
Switch back to the Review Mode 17:57
Step 5: Help & Support 18:18