Account Owners and Project Managers and Translators, Editors, and Reviewers who have access to workflow steps, can use the In Site Review Extension to review and edit translations in context on a website.
The In Site Review Extension is a plugin for the Chrome browser that displays translations on the website as they are stored in Smartling. Users can view the translations in context on the website and edit as necessary. This allows Translations Resources to make more accurate linguistic decisions on the translations, reducing costs, and increasing quality.
The In Site Review Extension is purposely built for sites whose content is stored in resource files and translated in Smartling. For example, if the content for a site is stored in JSON, XML, gettext, etc. or comes from a Content Management System such as Adobe Experience Manager, Sitecore, Drupal, etc., the In Site Review Extension allows for live preview and editing of translated content based off of the files uploaded to Smartling.
The In Site Review Extension works by matching content as displayed in the browser to strings stored in Smartling. This is a string comparison match and does not handle or indicate repetitions and may not match on strings that have significant whitespace, placeholder, or encoding differences between the browser display and how they are stored in files in Smartling.
Only use the Chrome extension on source language sites. For example, if your primary web site is "" and the Spanish version is "", only use the extension on "".
Note: Smartling also has a Context Capture Chrome Extension, which sends a visual representation of the website to the Smartling CAT Tool so Translation Resource users can view the content they are translating from the website, in the CAT Tool. For more complicated websites, where context may not have been captured due to its dynamic nature, the new In Site Review Extension can be used to view the translations on the website, rather than the CAT Tool, and make quick edits as required.
Review in Context
- Install the Chrome Content Capture extension via the Chrome Store. Once the extension is installed, you should have the Smartling In Site Review icon in your browser toolbar. This is a black and white version of the Smartling logo.
- Browse to the page you want to review. Strings on the page should match strings already uploaded to a Smartling project and translated.
Click the In Site Review icon. The extension will capture the translations saved in Smartling, on the webpage. (Black and white Smartling logo.)
- Sign in to Smartling from the "Sign In" button.
- From Settings, input or Autofill the domain (the URL where the source content is currently displayed).
- Choose the Smartling Project from the dropdown. You can also type the project name in this field.
- Choose which language to review the translations of from the Target Language dropdown
- Click Save
- Click Back and toggle the Enabled switch On to start the in site review.
- Click Next string to proceed the review. The string you are reviewing will be highlighted and translated on the website
If an edit is required, click Edit in CAT Tool to open the CAT Tool on that string and amend the translation. Save any changes made in the CAT Tool to view them on the webpage.
Logout each time you want to start a new review.
Setting a Keyboard Shortcut
Google Chrome has a Keyboard Shortcut feature that allows you to set up shortcuts for Chrome browser extensions. This is useful if you want to take a snapshot of content in difficult-to-expose elements of a page, such as drop-down hover menus.
In the Chrome browser, right-click the Context Capture icon > Manage Extensions. On the top-left of the page, click Extensions > Keyboard Shortcuts.
In the Smartling Context Capture section, hold down CTRL, ALT, or Command + the key (letter) you wish to use for your shortcut, eg: Command + Shift + R