Smartling’s WordPress Connector allows you to integrate Smartling translations into your WordPress site. The WordPress Connector uploads new content to Smartling and downloads translations to the appropriate site.
The WordPress Connector is also known as the Smartling Plugin.
Please note that this Connector is a paid product. For pricing information, please reach out to your Smartling Customer Success Manager.
The WordPress Connector is owned and maintained by Smartling. It is designed for multisite architectures. WPML offers a separate Smartling integration focused on single-site architectures. For information on WPML’s WordPress plugin, please refer to their documentation here.
Before you can install the Smartling Plugin, your WordPress instance must have the following:
- WordPress 5.5 or higher
- PHP Version 8 or higher
- Create a multi-site network
- PHP extensions
- mbstring
- curl
- libxml
- xml
- xmlreader
- xmlwriter
- yaml
- gd
- json
- For WP Engine hosting maximum execution time is set to 300 seconds
- Smartling Plugin writes access for the following folders:
- smartling-connector logs directory (
) - system temp
- wordpress uploads and all subfolders (
- smartling-connector logs directory (
- If you use other plugins in your WordPress instance, please consult your Smartling Solutions Consultant or Solutions Architect to ensure your plugins are supported by the connector.
In Smartling, create a Connector project-type for the WordPress Connector.
Install Smartling Plugin
- Go to Network Admin > Plugins > Add new
). - Type smartling in the Search Plugins box to locate the Smartling plugin.
- Click Install Now
- Once installed, find it within your Plugins list
- Click Activate
- Choose to enable auto-updated (recommended)
- Ensure all steps are followed from the WordPress documentation
- If the following error messages may be displayed, they will be resolved as you continue with the configuration.
Connecting WordPress to Smartling
Once installed, you will need the following details to connect your WordPress instance to your Smartling account:
- User Identifier and Secret Token: See API Tokens.
Project ID and target locales: You can find these by doing the following:
- Log into Smartling as an Account Owner or Project Manager
- Click Account Settings > API > v 2.0
To apply these credentials into WordPress, do the following:
- In WordPress, go to Smartling > Settings (
). - Click Add Profile.
- In the Account Info section, set the following fields:
- Profile Name: Enter a descriptive name for the profile.
- Active: Select Active if you want to use this profile right away.
- Project ID: See note at the beginning of this section.
- User Identifier
- Token Secret
- Click the Test Connection button to ensure correct entry.
- In Source Locale, select the original content site language, and then click Save changes. Saving the changes at this step will allow you to select the target locales from a list of valid locales in a drop-down box in the next step.
- In the Target Locales section, select the checkbox beside each target site language (not the source), and select the corresponding Smartling target language from the drop-downs.
- Click Save Changes to save the profile.
Troubleshooting Installation
- First, go to Smartling settings (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=smartling_configuration_profile_list) and make sure that you don't have pending items for "Upload", "Check Status" and "Download"
- If any of the above has items, then click Process.
Did it help? Do you see new content in Smartling or translations on your target site?
- If not, then:
- Open Smartling settings and click DELETE current log file
- Open any post\page and do one of the following:
- Upload it for one or more locales via Smartling widget on the right side.
- Alternatively, depending on your issue, download it for one or more locales via Smartling widget on the right side.
- Come back to the Smartling settings and download log file and contact Smartling Support.
Consult the WordPress documentation for Plugin Troubleshooting steps.
Next, configure your WordPress Connector using Expert Settings.