Please note that this Connector is a paid product. For pricing information, please reach out to your Smartling Customer Success Manager.
You can either install the Connector manually, using Drush, or via the Drupal interface. See for more information.
To upload the Drupal CMS Connector module manually:
- Install Drush. For more information, see How to Install Drush.
- Copy the Smartling CMS Connector module .zip archive to the root folder of the Drupal site.
- Browse to the root folder of the Drupal site.
- Execute drush dl smartling -y
- Optionally, you can install the module with demo content. The module adds three locales and creates 10 nodes with content. drush en smartling_demo_content -y
- Configure the cron task. For more information on how to configure cron, see Configuring cron jobs using the cron command.
Edit your crontab:sudo -u [nginx|www-data] crontab -e<
To the end of your crontab file, add:*/15 * * * * drush --root=[/var/www/drupal_root] --uri=http://<your.domain> cron --quiet &> /dev/null
It's important to set the --uri parameter correctly, or your callbacks won't work.
Restart your crontab with:/etc/init.d/crond restart
To upload the Drupal CMS Connector module via the Drupal interface:
- Login to Drupal as an Administrator and browse to Menu > Modules > Install new module.
- Upload the Smartling CMS Connector module zip archive.
- Click Install and Drupal installs the module in the sites/all/modules folder.
To verify the Drupal CMS Connector installation:
- Navigate to the Modules list page at Menu > Modules.
If a site is currently set up to run cron periodically, there is no additional cron-related server configurations that's required in order for the Smartling Connector module to work. However, some settings are still important, for example, if you want to use "Translation callback", you need to specify the --uri parameter, otherwise it won't work. (By default cron doesn't know the URL of a site, and so it's empty). This parameter is also important for context, if that's being used.
To configure the Drupal CMS Connector:
- Login to Drupal as an Administrator and browse to Menu > Configuration > Regional and language > Smartling settings.
- Go to Smartling Dashboard > Project Settings > API and make note of the Project ID. Enter your Smartling Project ID, user ID, and token secret into the appropriate fields on the connector settings page.
- Select a Retrieval type.
- Click the Target Locales you want to translate with Smartling and enter the Smartling locale code. That locale must be enabled by your Smartling project.
- You can have Smartling send a callback to your Drupal instance to download translated items as soon as they become available, rather than waiting for the scheduled download process to pick them up. For this to work, your instance must be publicly addressable.
- Check Use Callback URL to enable.
- Automatically authorize content for translation in Smartling - if checked, when you submit translations, content will automatically be authorized instead of being added to your Awaiting Authorization queue.
Clicking Test connection makes a request to the Smartling API and validates the Project ID, User ID, Token Secret, and Target locales and saves all settings.
- In the Nodes tab, set the Translation Type for each content type to Nodes method, unless you have specifically configured Field translation via the Drupal API. Select which fields you want to translate for each content type.
- Configure cron settings. By default, the Connector module checks translation status in Smartling every hour. You can change the schedule at Menu > Configuration > System > Cron. Just find the tasks under the Smartling module and select edit from the Operations menu next to the task you want to update.
To configure Context:
The Drupal Connector can generate dynamic HTML context for the nodes you submit for translation. Context lets translators see what their translations will look like on the page, helping them provide quality translations that fit space requirements.
- Set the username the Connector will use to access your content and create context. Be mindful of the permissions of a user you choose. An administrator may see tools/content not displayed to other viewers.
- Enter any CSS/JS files that should be excluded from submissions. Context is captured as static HTML and use of, for example, responsive show/hide elements may lead to poor context being captured. Enter paths to any CSS/JS files you want to ignore while capturing context.
- To help you debug files that are causing problems, you can add problem URLs to the Debug Fields section. If you check Preview, the connector will display page context for each URL without submitting to Smartling to help you debug context issues.
- If your site is behind Basic auth, you will need to set up basic auth user credentials at the settings page (Context tab) in order to get context to work.
Locked Content Configuration
For translated content that is final and should never be updated, you can protect these fields using the `Lock translation fields` functionality.
How it works:
- Go to Smartling management > Lock Fields
- Select which field(s) must be locked. The list contains only that fields which are set up for Smartling translations.
- Selected fields will not be overwritten by any downloads from the Connector.
Via Drush:
Execute:drush dis smartling -y
drush pm-uninstall smartling -y
Note: If you have smartling submodules enabled you will have to uninstall those modules first. The list of modules to uninstall will be printed after you enter command #2).
Via the Drupal Interface:
- Login to Drupal as an Administrator and browse to Menu > Administration > Modules.
- Disable the following modules: Smartling demo content and Smartling reports, smartling_translate_page_popup, smartling_translation_context
- Disable the Smartling module.
- Browse to Menu > Administration > Modules > Uninstall.
- Uninstall all Smartling modules.