Please note that this Connector is a paid product. For pricing information, please reach out to your Smartling Customer Success Manager.
The WordPress Connector is available to sites managed via WP Engine. Follow the steps below to install and configure the Connector via WP Engine.
Create and Configure a Site from WP Engine
- From WP Engine, in the installs field, click Add install.
- Complete the form and select Multisite.
- The install will take several minutes.
- The install will take several minutes.
- Now, login to WordPress and navigate to My Sites > Network Admin > Dashboard.
- Install the following plugins:
Configure WP Crontrol
- Edit your wp-config file and add the line:
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
- Return to your main site Dashboard and go to Tools > Crontrol.
- Locate smartling_cron_task.
- In the Event schedule field, select the desired interval, and save it.
- If you want to save your interval, go to Settings > Cron Schedules.
- Complete the form and save it.