Version 5.0.12
Bug Fix
- Fixed bug that caused the Connector to fail when a page name contains a dot, e.g.
Version 5.0.11
Internal Improvement Released
Version 5.0.10
Internal Improvement Released
Version 5.0.9
Bug Fix
- In some cases, the Connector doesn't create a separate revision for a source page. For example, if the source page is a blueprint and the target page is a live copy, revision are not created. Before this bug fix, the Connector failed to download such submissions.
Version 5.0.8
Internal Improvement Released
Version 5.0.7
Internal Improvement Released
Version 5.0.6
- Reworked synchronization of source and translated content, giving robust search results if pages were moved.
Version 5.0.5
- If configured, the context preview uses the latest published page version.
Version 4.2.4
- Fixed compatibility with AEM 6.2. The recently released updated Property Mappings (4.2.0) used libraries that didn't exist in AEM 6.2
Version 4.2.3
- In new property mappings, we added a configuration to disable the TXT parser. By default, this configuration should be disabled in order to benefit from all of Smartling's parsers. However, if you have many files that were uploaded a while ago, and the parser version doesn't support TXT parsing, then you have the option of migrating your files one-by-one, or simply enable this option.
Version 4.2.2
- Added compatibility with AEM 6.4 (was tested with
Version 4.2.1
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with bulk submit sending all child pages to Smartling regardless of what the user selected.
Version 4.2.0
Improvements and Fixes:
- The connector has 4 different approaches on how to handle content:
- Translate item and subitems as regular cq:page
- Translate set of items as dictionary (i18n)
- Translate digital assets
- Handle item as key-value storage
With this release, you can place pages as well as /content anywhere in the tree.
Previously, the connector handled items only as pages under /content, otherwise, items were handled as a key-value storage.
- The connector can use HTTPS protocol to grab context.
- Connector allows you to configure the parser type at the property level. Go to Property Mappings (/cf#/content/smartling/propertyMappings.html) and find the new column, Parsers, next to the property name.
The new configuration will affect how Smartling handles strings with HTML entities. For example, you have the the following string: Tips & Tricks.
Previously, Smartling always parsed strings as HTML. However, the character & is not valid a valid HTML character, and Smartling would encode it in translation as consejos & trucos.
Now, you can tell Smartling how to parse each property. If you don't intend to add content with HTML tags, then it's better to set parser as Plain Text.
If you change the parser type and submit already translated content, then you may expect that Smartling will ingest some strings as new ones. Usage of another parser may cause how an original string is parsed, and end up splitting smaller strings.
Bug Fixes:
System user is displayed on Submissions instead of an actual user
Fixed rule how connector calculates translation progress and status if you submit content without authorizing. Before connector could mark such content as Completed.
Fixed generation of smartling File URI. If you changed page name or AEM language in configuration then connector could generate a new File URI. As result existing translations could not reused automatically
Version 4.1.8
Improvements and Fixes:
- Added the new option "Override context" in Context settings. When it is checked, it matches and updates all strings in a project regardless of existing context. To find the new Smartling - Context Connection Manager configuration in the AEM web console:
- Updated Smartling workflow step. Updated two existing parameters and and added five new ones. All parameters are optional.
Parameter Type Description
Parameter | Type | Description |
bulk | Boolean | Whether to translate only the current page or the page with all of its subpages (default: false - only the current page). |
targetLocales | String |
Whether to translation into all configured languages or only specific ones. If not defined then use all configured languages. Important: You should use AEM language codes, not Smartling language codes. |
authorize | Boolean | Authorize job after attaching file(s). If not defined then the default: false. |
translationJobUid | String | Attach uploaded file(s) to given translationJobUid. If not defined then create a new job with given jobName. |
jobName | String |
Only used if translationJobUid is not defined (create a new job). If you create a new job but didn't provide a jobName then the job name will be generated by pattern: <date> - <path_to_page> - <timestamp> Example: |
jobDescription | String | Set or update job description. |
jobDueDate | Calendar | Set or update job due date. The new time must be in the future. |
Usage example:
Create a new job:
/>workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("bulk", false);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("targetLocales", new String[]{ "de", "fr" });
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("authorize", true);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("jobName", "MyJobName");
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("jobDescription", "MyJob description");
Date date = new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 2);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("jobDueDate", cal);
Add to the existing job:
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("bulk", false);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("targetLocales", new String[]{ "de", "fr" });
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("authorize", true);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("translationJobUid", "aabbccdd");
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("jobDescription", "MyJob description");
Date date = new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 2);
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaDataMap().put("jobDueDate", cal);
Version 4.1.7
Improvements and Fixes:
- Fixed bug when connector overridden during installation all custom configurations under /apps/system/config.
Version 4.1.6
Improvements and Fixes:
- Added the new Cancel translation button on the Submissions board. If something was accidentally submitted for translation or should no longer be translated, then you can select submissions and cancel them. The connector will delete the corresponding files in the dashboard.
- Fixed behavior and validation of the "select all" checkbox.
Version 4.1.5
Improvements and Fixes:
- Fixed issue with mapping smartling-classic-connector user to com.smartling.workflow.smartling-core bundle, in order to not have issues while uploading content.
Version 4.1.4
Improvements and Fixes:
- Added compatibility with AEM 6.3.
- Fixed issue with sending multiple target locales parameters from UI.
Version 4.1.3
Improvements and Fixes:
- Fixed bug in search locale. It may not have previously sent all ticked locales.
- Improved logging.
- Added more logging for job related operations.
- Removed sensitive information from logs (Smartling refresh and access tokens).
- Renamed getting jobs list endpoints in order to avoid conflict with Touch connector.
Version 4.1.2
Improvements and Fixes:
Improved logging of errors from Jobs API. Added reason of validation errors.
Fixed job name validation when user creates a new job. Previously, it didn't allow you to create job1 if job123 already existed.
Fixed validation of target parent page. If you use the "language copy" approach, and the target translated page doesn't exist, then the connector must validate that at least the parent page exists, and creates a translated page.
Version 4.1.1
Improvements and Fixes:
- Improved behavior of Download button on Smartling Log Viewer. (/content/smartling/logviewer.html). Added more historical files into archive with logs in order to have all necessary data in case client sends their logs to Smartling after a few days.
- Added lock icon that is drawn over locked components in touch UI. It's now easier to see which components are modified and will not be overwritten.
- Added possibility to lock and unlock components, so user can lock component in order to prevent its content replacement with translation.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with adding a file to a job before the file is fully processed on the Smartling side. There was the case when not all file strings were added to job. The new flow waits until all files are completely processed in Smartling, and only then add them to a job.
Version 4.1.0
Improvements and Fixes:
- Integration was migrated from Jobs API v2 to v3.
- Now pages can be attached to existent job in any state:
- Awaiting authorization
- In Progress
- Completed
- Job may contain files that are authorized for different locales.
Version 4.0.0
- Added integration with Jobs API. You can now seamlessly submit your content for translation and immediately group it by Smartling Jobs. There are 2 options for how to add content to a job:
- Create a new job
- Add content into existing unauthorized job
Version 3.9.6
Improvements and Fixes:
- Fix: Connector did not send the latest content for a live relationship blueprint.
- Fix: Incorrect format of callback URLs.
Version 3.9.5
Improvements and Fixes:
Fix: Connector faild to download translation under specific configuration / conditions.
Version 3.9.4
Improvements and Fixes: (COMPARING TO 3.9.3):
- Fix: connector breaks binary (for example, Ms. Office or InDesign) files.\
- Fix: connector breaks live relationship.
- Fix: connector tries to apply URL rewriting to binary data.
- Other stability improvements.
Version 3.9.2
Bug Fixes:
- Fix an issue with a resource leak which could lead to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread error.
- Fix an URL rewriting bug when connector has more than one configuration. Now connector uses rewrite results of the 1st configuration as input for the 2nd configuration and so on.
Version 3.9.1
Bug Fixes:
- Optimized translation download process speed for live copies
- Fixed an issue with translation download and “lock properties” feature
Version 3.9.0
- Add ability to handle context requests in parallel, which improves performance of context loading.
- Implemented common-purpose workflow step that may be embedded in existing workflows.
- Implemented property “locking” feature. Properties edited in the target page can now be “locked” and not overwritten on subsequent translations of the source page.
Bug Fixes:
- Added reconnect in case of authentication error.
- Fixed issue with incorrect encoding in context.
- Fixed issue with replacing content that contains : symbol, so now path that contains : symbol is matched and replaced against rules.
Version 3.8.0
- Reworked functionality of internal URL rewriter. It now combines features of rewriting node paths in reference properties and in text. A property must contain only path to a node or a path should be in quotes if property contains text.
- Removed backward compatibility in Smartling Workflow and introduced the new required parameter, an array of locales. Example of 3.8+.
Version 3.7.2
- Cancel live copy inheritance on property level if component (dialog) is configured to show “locks” for every property.
- The Path Rewrites mechanism now supports extensions.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with proxy authentication. The connector could not provide context when working through an HTTP proxy.
- Fixed a memory leak in the connector.
- Fixed translation progress calculation. If content was uploaded without authorization, then connector will not treat such files as completed. Progress will remain 0% until at least one string will be authorized and translated later.
Version 3.7.1
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the connector not starting on AEM 6.2.
Version 3.7.0
- AEM 5.6.1 is no longer supported. Minimal compatible version is 6.0.
- Performance improvements added for AEM 6.x.
- Live copy handling: cancel inheritance for page-level properties.
- Live copy handling: keep inheritance locks if component strings were not modified.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed delay when starting translations from the Sidekick.
Version 3.6.1
This new major release is fully backwards compatible with 3.5.x.
- Added compatibility with AEM 6.2 version.
- Added language sorting in the Sidekick.
Bug Fixes:
- Connector now prevents status checks or downloads on submissions with states NEW, FAILED and CANCELED.
- Fixed an issue with sending image metadata.
Version 3.6.0
This new major release is fully backwards compatible with 3.5.x
- The Connector creates a new revision of a translated page any time new translations are saved.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused visual context errors when AEM machine has no internet access and proxy is explicitly configured via OSGi Web Console.
- Fixed bugs that caused translations to fail for pages created under folders and pages with names equal to locale codes.
Version 3.5.3
- Usability improvements for Bulk Translation dialog when called from the Sidekick.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that created errors on dictionaries that have messages without an explicitly specified key.
Version 3.5.2
- Added the ability to treat dictionary strings as unique in a Smartling project.
Bug Fixes:
- Improved messaging when returning a 202 response if sending content for translation from the sidekick.
Version 3.5.1
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with proxy configuration.
Version 3.5.0
Note: This version of the AEM Classic connector switches to using version 2 of the Smartling API. After upgrading you will need to follow the migration instructions.
- Added the ability to configure an HTTP proxy in a single place to be used by the connector - via the Felix OSGi Console, at the Smartling - Network Settings configuration entry.
- Removed the API URL from the Project Configuration dialog. Now the endpoint can be changed via the Felix OSGi Console.
- Added the ability to customize regular expressions used to cut placeholders from translated strings. Please, note that this is potentially dangerous operation.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with sending non-structured content via Advanced Node Translator on Windows machines.
- Fixed a minor issue with the Advanced Node Translator which used to lead to false-positive ERRORs in log files.
Version 3.4.0
- Method for sending only approved content for translation (introduced in 3.3.0) has been significantly affected by this release. Previously, ‘approved content’ meant the latest revision of the page. As of the 3.4.0, approved content is the latest published version of a page.
Bug Fixes:
- Project Configurations were not displayed after being imported as a package from the environment with the different AEM version.
- Bulk Submit dialog didn’t display content tree on AEM 6.1
- Context was created even when explicitly disabled in the server configuration
Version 3.3.5
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed incorrect property mapping behaviour for some cases.
- Fixed broken translate button in the Sidekick caused by conflict with customer’s custom client-side code.
Version 3.3.3
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug that caused problems working with proxies that did not require any authentication.
Version 3.3.2
Bug Fixes:
- Bulk upload failed to send pages for translation in some cases.
- Fixed exception when connector tries to download translation but original page is already deleted.
- Fixed exception for getting translation progress status when smartling config was deleted after sending page for translation.
Version 3.3.1
Bug Fixes:
- A user could not cancel translation from AEM if the corresponding file had been previously deleted in the Smartling Dashboard.
Version 3.3.0
Connector Prerequisites
- Java version 1.7 and above
- AEM version 5.6 and above
- Users can now configure what should be sent for translation: the last revision instead or recent page changes.
- Connector now will keep the order of sibling pages in language branches according to original pages.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed behavior of submissions statuses for some edge cases.
Version 3.2.6
Bug Fixes:
- Fix related to translation of properties which contain JSON
Version 3.2.5
- Added Cancel translation action to the Submissions Board and Translation Control Center. Now, a user can remove a page from the translation queue without leaving AEM. The connector will automatically remove the file from the Smartling Dashboard and suspend status checks.
Bug Fixes:
- Live copy Relationship is not cancelled for a placeholder in cases where an original node is a Blueprint and Live copy at same time.
Version 3.2.4
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed download malfunction in Advanced node translator.
- User can now edit Source Path on Smartling settings.
- Fixed errors with submissions Board when Smartling configuration was broken or changed.
- Disable preview mode when submission no longer has an appropriate Smartling configuration.
Version 3.2.3
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed failure to get HTML for context when multiple cookies are returned.
- Fixed failure to upload HTML for context in environment with proxy.
- Mixing types are now properly copied.
- Added missed frozen property to exclude list.
- Save language copy for Non-page Translation mode.
Version 3.2.2
- Preview translated and original pages side by side. Preview buttons were added in Sidekick, Submissions Board and TCC.
- Translation Control Center
- Translation Control Center
- Submissions Board
- Preview
- Added dictionary processing in Translation Control Center (TCC).dictionary.
- Added security control to TCC buttons.
- Made Target Info mandatory in project configuration.
- Return different error messages in case we cannot load context or node doesn’t have context.
Bug Fixes:
- Added standard header to all smartling pages.
- Removed obsolete custom templates.
- Fixed message text in Connector Audit log.
- Added more logs in Connector Audit log.
- Added validation for Target Info in settings.
- Fixed broken layout if user changed size of browser window.
- Fixed an issue with locating Smartling config by source path which caused some content to be sent to wrong projects.
- Fixed broken Submissions Board page.
- Disallow to set set root path “/” as source path and target path in configuration.
Version 3.2.1
- Bulk Download on Submissions Board
- New Search panel on Submissions Board and Filter by status
- Export submissions in CSV file and Smartling log.
- Pilot version of Translation Control Center
- Known issues: supports translation/status only for page nodes. Non-page nodes and i18n coming soon.
- Known issues: supports translation/status only for page nodes. Non-page nodes and i18n coming soon.
- Migration tools - new tool for renaming source path in submissions
Bug Fixes:
- Use security options for Re-send button on Submissions Board.
- Fixed a bug that caused issues saving Project Configurations.
- Added meaningful names for submission statuses.
- Fixed bug that prevented copying/pasting property mapping.
- Fixed bug that prevented Sidekick from initializing on Property Mapping page.
- Fixed Submissions board filter issue.
- Fixed issue with downloading from sidekick.
- Logs added for CMS Gateway client library.
- Version 3.2.0
- Supports permissions for translation workflow actions (preview, download, translate).
- Synchronization of placeholder layout in case of standard node (based on revisions). Connector now creates revision of original node implicit and uses it as layout source for synchronization of target node before applying translations.
- Use separate files for same content (node) but different languages. Changes in content don’t affect languages that are already in progress.
- Two new columns: “Time Submitted” and “Time Applied” on the Submission Board.\
- Ability to re-send multiple submissions from Submissions Board.
Bug Fixes:
- Property mapping is not applied to all hierarchy in some cases.
- Multiple hyperlinks are rewritten with the last one.
- Bulk submit. Grandchildren doesn’t submitted for translation.
- Bulk submit does not exclude 2nd level descendants properly.
- Translation status icon is incorrect in sidekick if page doesn’t have translation.
- Invalid User ID is stored when page is sent for translation.
- Reviewer annotation shouldn’t be sent for translation.
- Page title is not updated on submissions board when page is re-submitted.
Known Issues:
- Synchronization of placeholder layout works well for sites based on language copy but doesn’t work at all if target site is Live copy, because rollouts mechanism is responsible for this
Version 3.1.6
- Internal URL Parser and Rewrite Internal URL Processor were removed and replaced by the new service. If you used them before then all settings will be lost. Administrator must configure the new service Internal URL Rewriter. It look like a previews
- Language Copy Manager used for creation of language copy.
- Path Property Rewriter, Language Property Rewriter and Internal URL Rewriter will be run after translation download (were run before translation download in previous release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed URL pattern at translation processing.
- Fixed replace of multiple links in a single property.
- Don’t copy all child pages under current page if target page doesn’t exist.
Version 3.1.5
- Customize placeholder preparation process (PPP):
- Add custom processors to placeholder preparation pipeline (flexible configuring of PPP for different customers).
- Order of processor is determined by its Ranking property. Ranking is set in the OSGi.
- Configuration Console for each processor.
- Out of the box 2 processors:
- Path Property Rewriter rewrites internal links in properties.
- Language Property Rewriter component that is responsible for rewritingjsr:language.
- Language Property Rewriter is enabled by default and could be changed at Smartling - Language Property Rewriter in the OSGi Configuration Console.
Bug Fixes:
- Context stopped to work after update\configure some OSGI components.
- Made automatic Context reconnect more robust in case of network errors.
Known Issues:
- Path Property Rewriter was refactored in this version. If you used it before then all previous settings will be lost. Administrator must configure Path Property Rewriter to specify which properties have to be rewritten.
- Properties that are subject to rewriting, should not be sent for translation.
Version 3.1.4
- The new Connector Audit log is available at Siteadmin > Smartling > Submission Logs.
- Ability to configure which non-translatable page-level properties should be synchronized (from original to placeholder nodes).
- Updates to 3.0.8 -> 3.1.x migration process.
- Added new server-side validation before send page for translation.
- Improved logging.
Bug Fixes:
- Cleaned up live relationship when source page is a live copy.
- Verified context connection settings during profile editing.
- Fixed creation of duplicated submissions.
- Added icon for Smartling Log Viewer.
- Upload only submissions in New state.