Your Global Delivery Network project may have content delivered as JSON, such as content coming from AJAX requests.
This article is for JSON as a result of a JSON request. To identify JSON appearing within a Javascript string literal please reference our JavaScript article here.
Certain JSON key/value pairs may be required to remain in their source language to preserve the functionality of your site, and for this reason, Smartling does not automatically capture JSON content for translation. Instead, you need to identify where in your JSON the specific values to be translated are located.
JSON is made up of key/value pairs. Smartling translates only JSON values.
Identify Translatable Content
You can either specify translatable and un-translatable keys, or use more granular directives to identify translatable and un-translatable key paths.
Identify Translatable Keys: sl_translate
Indicating what JSON values you need to be translated is as simple as creating a new key/value pair using our custom "sl_translate" key. This key can have three values:
- "sl_all" - All values are translated.
- "sl_none" - No values are translated.
- Comma-separated list of JSON keys to identify that their values should be translated.
The sl_translate needs to be the first key for it to be effective
The examples below consider the three types of supported key/value pairs.
Using "sl_all"
"sl_translate": "sl_all",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"user": {
"firstName": "John",
"role": "Editor",
"admin": false
"string1": "Here's some content for John to translate.",
"string2": "<div>Smartling automatically recognizes HTML in a JSON string.</div>",
"string3": "This is an additional string from your site."
All of these strings will be ingested:
- "The request was successful"
- "John"
- "Editor"
- "Here's some content for John to translate."
- "<div>Smartling automatically recognizes HTML in a JSON string</div>"
- "This is an additional string from your site."
Using "sl_none"
"sl_translate": "sl_none",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"user": {
"firstName": "John",
"role": "Editor",
"admin": false
"string1": "Here's some content for John to translate.",
"string2": "<div>Smartling automatically recognizes HTML in a JSON string.</div>",
"string3": "This is an additional string from your site."
Using a Comma-separated List to Identify Keys
You have the ability to specify what keys you want to be translated by listing them as the value for the "sl_translate" key. For example:
"sl_translate": "messages, firstName, role",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"user": {
"firstName": "John",
"role": "Editor",
"admin": false
"string1": "Here's some content for John to translate.",
"string2": "<div>Smartling automatically recognizes HTML in a JSON string.</div>",
"string3": "This is an additional string from your site."
- "The request was successful"
- "John"
- "Editor"
Smartling automatically recognizes HTML content in JSON strings and parses it as HTML.
Identify Un-translatable Keys: sl_notranslate
There may be cases when you would need to specify key/value pairs that do not require translation. For example, when working with a JSON file where it would be beneficial to use "sl_all" and indicate values that should be ignored instead of creating a large comma-separated list of values.
This can be done by using the "sl_notranslate" key that supports a comma-separated list of JSON keys to identify which values should not be translated:
"sl_translate": "sl_all",
"sl_notranslate": "messages, role",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"user": {
"firstName": "John",
"role": "Editor",
"admin": false
"string1": "Here's some content for John to translate.",
"string2": "<div>Smartling automatically recognizes HTML in a JSON string.</div>",
"string3": "This is an additional string from your site."
All of the strings in the above example will be ingested due to the "sl_all" key, with the exception of the specified "message" and "role" values that belong to "sl_notranslate":
- "John:
- "Here's some content for John to translate."
- "<div>Smartling <strong>automatically</strong> recognises HTML markup in a JSON string</div>"
- "This is an additional string from your site."
Identify Translatable Key Paths: sl_path
The directive "sl_translate" is applied to all identified keys, regardless of their specific path.
If you prefer marking only specific key paths as translatable, use the directive "sl_path" instead. This directive allows you to identify the exact key path(s) that should be translated.
Note: The sl_path directive needs to be the first key for it to be effective
"sl_path": "property/name",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"brand": {
"name": "Great Brand",
"type": "Organization"
"property": {
"location": "United States",
"name": "New property for sale",
"available": false
In the above example, only the string property name (property/name) will be translated. The brand name (brand/name) is not identified by the "sl_path" directive and will not be translated.
To translate more than one key path, use a comma-separated list of translatable JSON key paths.
Alternatively, you can use a plus sign (+) as a wildcard to match any key at its level.
Example: store/bicycle/+ will match paths like store/bicycle/color or store/bicycle/style
Using a hashtag as a wildcard (#) matches all remaining levels.
Example: store/bicycle/# will match paths like store/bicycle/price or store/bicycle/price/discount
Identify Un-Translatable Key Paths: sl_path_notranslate
To identify specific key paths that should remain untranslated, use the directive "sl_path_notranslate".
"sl_path_notranslate": "brand/name",
"status": 200,
"messages": "The request was successful",
"brand": {
"name": "Great Brand",
"type": "Organization"
"property": {
"location": "United States",
"name": "New property for sale",
"available": false
In the above example, only the brand name (brand/name) is identified as un-translatable.
Create Variant Metadata for JSON Strings
If you want to create variant metadata in Smartling, you can do so by adding a "sl_variant" entry to your JSON object. This should contain a comma-separated list of JSON keys and variant values. For example:
"sl_translate": "sl_all",
"sl_variant": "string1:navmenu, string2:navmenu, string3:exitmessage",
"string1": "Home",
"string2": "Back",
"string3": "Goodbye"
Using "sl_variant" above would create the following strings in Smartling:
String: Home
Variant: navmenu
String: Back
Variant: navmenu
String: Goodbye
Variant: exitmessage