This article is for Account Owners and Project Managers using the Global Delivery Network.
The Global Delivery Network (GDN) automatically rewrites any links to your source site to the localized version in order to keep visitors on a localized site as they browse.
For example, a link within a page on your source site may look like this:
<a href="">About Us</a>
The GDN will automatically rewrite this link on your French site to the localized version:
<a href="">About Us</a>
There are cases where you may want to prevent the GDN from rewriting a link to your source site on your localized site. For example, if you want to provide a link back to your English source site in your language selector, you don't want the GDN rewriting this link.
To prevent link rewriting, you can use the No Rewrite class or the Opaque class.
Opaque Class
If you want to prevent a link from being rewritten AND the link text from being translated, use the Opaque class:
<a class="sl_opaque" href="">About Us</a>
No Rewrite Class
If you want to prevent a link from being rewritten, but still translate link text , use the No Rewrite class:
<a class="sl_norewrite" href="">About Us</a>
If your source site contains a link to a different domain, the GDN will not alter this link on your localized site. If you need to alter a link to an outside domain, you can use the Smartling Swap feature.
Page Level Configuration Rules
If you want to prevent the GDN from rewriting all links within a particular page, you can use the page-level Configuration Rules in your GDN Project.