Can translations be downloaded from a different computer? / If I request a file for translation, how can I ensure my team members can also download the translations?
When a file is submitted for translation using the Smartling plugin, a unique file identifier (“UUID”) is added to it. This additional metadata helps Smartling track the translation Job associated with each file. Since this metadata is added to the file locally, some additional steps are needed for your team members to download the translated file from a different computer:
Submit the File: Submit the file for translation with the Smartling plugin, as usual.
UUID Assignment (done automatically by Smartling): The source file now contains the unique identifier associated with the translation Job.
Share the File: Upload the file with the Smartling identifier to a cloud storage solution (e.g., Dropbox, Google Drive, Slack, etc.), which is shared with any team members who may want to collaborate on the translations.
- Alternatively, you can send the source file with Smartling’s UUID directly to your team member(s).
Ensure this step is completed after the UUID has been added to the file in Step 1. Sharing a different version of the file will prevent collaborators from retrieving the translated file.
Download the File: Any team member who would like to collaborate on the translated file then needs to download the source file with Smartling’s UUID to their computer and open the file there.
- Retrieve Translations: The team member(s) can now retrieve the translated file once it is ready, and re-submit the file for translation if needed.