If you would like to use an MT workflow to overwrite published Machine Translations, please follow the steps outlined below.
This may be necessary in any of the following scenarios:
- If Glossary Term Insertion was enabled after the original Machine Translations had reached the Published step, or if any of the glossaries used to create the MT-Optimized Glossary was updated.
- If TM Match Insertion was enabled after the original Machine Translations had reached the Published step, or after the associated TM was updated.
- If a change was made to the threshold for TM Match Insertion after the original Machine Translations had reached the Published step.
- After a change was made to the translation prompt (if GPT is used as a translation provider).
- If the desired level of formality was updated (where supported) after the original Machine Translations had reached the Published step.
Tip: If you would like to overwrite existing Machine Translations for a different reason, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for further instructions.
How to Overwrite Published Machine Translations
The previous Machine Translation needs to be discarded before a new one can be provided.
To do so, please follow these steps:
- If a post-translation step was used and the original translations were saved to the Translation Memory, we would recommend correcting the relevant TM entries before proceeding.
- This step is not necessary if a human linguist will edit the translations again and save them to the TM once the content is authorized for translation in step 8.
- In the Leverage Configuration used for your project, temporarily disable the SmartMatch setting “Restore translation: Exact match for previously removed unpublished translations”.
This step is necessary to avoid re-using the previous translation automatically. - [Optional] As an optional, but recommended step, apply a tag to the relevant strings, so they can be found more easily:
- Filter for the strings you would like to re-translate and select all strings matching that filter.
- From the “Actions” menu, select “Add / Remove Tags”.
- Apply a tag that you will be able to search for in step 5.
- Exclude the strings that you would like to re-translate:
- Filter for the strings you would like to re-translate and select all strings matching that filter.
- Select the option “Exclude” from the “Actions” menu.
- These strings are now excluded and not part of the original Job anymore.
- Navigate to the Strings View of your Smartling project and search for the strings to re-translate:
- Use the Languages filter to narrow down your search to the relevant target languages.
- [Optional] Use the Tags filter to search for the tag you added earlier, in step 3.
- If you did not apply any tags, use any other necessary filters to locate the strings that you would like to re-translate.
- The excluded strings can now be restored:
- Select all strings to re-translate.
- From the “Actions” menu, select the option “Restore Excluded”.
- The strings are now restored and “Awaiting Authorization”.
- The strings then need to be added to a translation Job:
- From the “Actions” menu, select “Change Job”.
- Add the strings to a new or existing Job. You can add the strings to the original Job or create a new one.
- Authorize the strings for translation again.
- You can choose the same Machine Translation workflow that was used for the original translations, or a different workflow.
The existing translations can now be overwritten with new (Machine) translations.
Note: The steps outlined above only describe how to re-translate strings in Smartling. If you are using a custom API integration or a direct integration with a third-party platform, for example one of our connectors or plugins, additional steps may be required to reflect the change also in the connecting platform.