Smartling's Iterable Connector allows you to streamline and centralize the translation of your email marketing content.
Translations are requested from within the Smartling platform, where you can view all of your Iterable content and select the desired assets for translation. Upon requesting translation the asset is uploaded to Smartling and translated as part of a Job. Once the translation of an asset is completed, the translated content is automatically sent to your Iterable site.
What is translatable?
The following content types are supported for translation in Smartling:
- Email templates created via the HTML Editor or WISYWIG Editor
- In-app messages
- Push messages
No related assets are included when the translation of an asset is requested.
Handlebars are dynamic content used to personalize messages in Iterable. The only Handlebar content that is ingested by the Connector is content in the assign and defaultIfEmpty parameters. Content in these variables are parsed as placeholders and protected, so translators cannot edit, modify or translate the dynamic content. If you use snippets that expect input parameters, please see the info here.
Smartling reads and writes content using a simplified parser based on regular expressions. As a result, it may fail to parse all Handlebars variations. Please only use the two Handlebars parameters listed above (#assign and defaultIfEmpty) without combining them with more complex Handlebars logic.
As dynamic content can be extremely complex, we recommend ingesting all email content, without Handlebars, into Smartling before planning localized content structure.
What is not translatable
It's not currently possible to translate Iterable templates via API if they were created with the Drag and Drop editor. (Doing so results in a mismatch between the JSON content that powers the Drag and Drop editor and the translated HTML content.) We recommend using either the WYSIWYG editor or Side by Side editor to create the templates you plan to translate with this integration.
If you use the Drag and Drop editor to build your Iterable templates, you'll need to convert these templates to HTML before translating them. To achieve this, export the HTML from any templates you’ve created with the Drag and Drop editor, and upload the HTML content to a new Iterable template. This creates an HTML template in the WYSIWYG or Side by Side editor. Select this template for translation in Smartling.
Visual Context
HTML context is automatically available in the CAT Tool for all supported content types. This allows linguists to see a preview of the localized content as it will appear in Iterable.
Iterable asset list
Once you have connected your Iterable account to Smartling, you will find all available content in the Iterable tab of your Smartling project.
Here you will see a flat list of your Iterable assets, filtered by content type. Each content type has a unique icon and is managed separately, allowing for greater visibility and control over the translation management of each. Every time you toggle between each of the Iterable content types within the Smartling platform, Smartling will check Iterable for new content.
The default content filter selection is Email.
Asset details
Click the information icon beside the asset name, to access the Asset Details page.
Here you can see further information on that asset, including the translation status for each language. From here, you can also Request Translations or Export Translations for that specific asset.
You can sort the asset list by asset name (descending/ascending), created date (descending/ascending), and last modified date (descending/ascending).
Iterable Filters
A range of filters help locate the Iterable asset(s) which you would like to translate or monitor.
Content Type
Use the drop-down menu to navigate between all supported content types.
Date Modified
Filter for a date range when the source asset was last modified in Iterable.
Date Created
Filter for a date range when the source asset was created in Iterable.
Template Type
Use the drop-down menu to filter for the template type which was used to create the asset in Iterable.
The search box in the Iterable tab allows you to run a keyword search.
The search will return all assets containing the word in the asset title. You can only search for one asset at a time; comma-separated search is not supported.
Smartling Filters
Smartling Status
Completed: Translations were successfully delivered from Smartling to Iterable.
Failed: The asset submission failed, or the translation delivery failed. A number of reasons can result in a failed status, but some of the most common are due to invalid Regex causing placeholder issues, the article has since been archived, the title translation is too long or the target languages are disabled in Iterable.
In Progress: The asset has been successfully sent to Smartling from Iterable, and the translation process has commenced but is not yet completed. If there is a case where translations are complete but a network issue occurs, the translations will remain in progress until the Iterable Connector delivers the translations to Iterable on a successful retry.
New: The asset is in the process of being sent for a new translation request. For example, if changes were made to the source content and your Iterable Connector is configured to automatically send the new content for translation. The asset could be sitting in submission queue or Awaiting Authorization.
Not Translated: The asset has never been submitted for translation.
Language Filter
Filter by the dropdown list of target languages configured in Smartling for the Iterable project. In order to appear in this list, target languages must also be configured in Iterable Settings.