This article is a guide for content owners working with Smartling Language Services using or interested in using MQM as part of their translation quality process.
Accessing the LQA Dashboard
The data in the LQA Dashboard is generated every 24 hours on published strings evaluated under LQA. To access the LQA dashboard and view MQM scores in Smartling:
Go to Reports > Linguistic Quality Assurance Dashboard:
The LQA Dashboard gives you an overview of the translation quality of strings evaluated under LQA. The dashboard can focus on a specific timeframe, locale, project or Job. The more granular your dashboard is focused, the more insights it will provide.
The LQA Dashboard contains the following graphs:
- MQM Scores per date: the MQM quality score of your translations
- MQM Score x Objective Error trend: a view of the quality score against the total object errors, calculated over time.
- MQM Score Calculations: an overview of all errors recorded by severity. This includes the total error count across all locales, in every project. Total points is the total error count multiplied by the weight of each severity.
- MQM Locales Breakdown: an overview of objective errors, error rate and MQM score by locale. Use this to evaluate high- and poor-performing locales.
- MQM Projects Breakdown: an overview of objective errors, error rate and MQM score by project. Use this to evaluate the best and worst projects.
- MQM Jobs Breakdown: an overview of objective errors, error rate and MQM score by Job. Click the Job name to open the Job Details.
MQM Score
The MQM Score, or Quality score, is a numerical representation of the overall quality of a translation. It's calculated by looking at the severity level and number of errors logged during LQA, and multiplying them by the weight assigned to that severity.
Dataset | Description | Calculation |
Total Objective Errors | The number of minor, major and critical errors recorded on a string. Neutral Errors are not considered Objective Errors |
Count of Critical Errors + Major Errors + Minor Errors. Example: 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 |
Error Rate | The percentage of errors found in a translated text when compared to the word count of the source text. |
Total Objective Errors / Total Word count. Example: 3 / 231 = 1.3% |
Quality Score | The MQM score; a single numerical value that quantifies the overall quality of a translation. |
1-(((Critical Error Count x Critical Error Weight) + (Major Error Count x Major Error Weight) + (Minor Error Count x Minor Error Weight) + (Neutral Error Count x Neutral Error Weight)) / Total word count) Example: 1-((1 x 25) + (1 x 5) + (1 x 1) + (1 x 0)) / 231 = 86.58% |
Total Points | The error count multiplied by the weight of each severity |
Error severity count x severity weight, e.g.: Example: 27 major errors x 5 weight |