Info: The following article outlines essential prerequisites and some best practices for the GitHub Connector.
The GitHub Connector is incompatible with self-hosted repositories, i.e., GitHub Enterprise Server. However, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, or any other plan type hosted on, is compatible with the Connector.
Content branch names must not begin with "Smartling" as the Connector interprets branches starting with "smartling-" as self-created ones with translations and will not monitor changes in them.
Best Practices
We recommend connecting to a branch where features or other branches are merged to ensure all strings are correctly captured for translation. For most users, dev and main branches are the typical choices.
Tip: For more information on branches, read our documentation on Branch Strategy.
Whichever branch you monitor, you can decide what monitoring mode is used to ensure that activity on localization files is captured at the correct time. Pull Request mode may be a good fit if your teams work heavily with pull requests for new features. An alternative is to monitor commits to a branch, which usually fits an approach that picks up localization after feature development is completed. Single Branch mode will fit this usage pattern.
Note: If you feel that any of the above may not be compatible with your development process, see Options for Automation with Source Repositories for an overview of other options.