Once you have created MT Profiles, you can configure them for use in translation workflows:
- Go to Projects (select a project) > Settings tab > Workflows
Click on the dropdown caret on a Translation step
- Translation steps have purple quotation icons
- In the Translation provider dropdown, select an MT Profile that has been previously created
- (Optional) Define Alternate MT Profiles: if a string cannot be translated by the assigned MT Profile, you can choose other MT Profiles to translate the string
(Optional) Define a Fallback Method: if a string cannot be translated by any MT providers due to an error, you can choose a different workflow step to automatically move these strings to
- A translation issue will be raised on the string even if you do not designate a Fallback Method
- The Fallback Method workflow step must support the same languages as the current MT step. If there are no options in the Fallback Method dropdown, then that means that there are no other workflows that support the same languages
- If a Fallback Method is not defined, the string will stay in the translation step until a user manually changes the workflow
- If you want Machine Translations to be processed through an edit step after the initial MT step, you need to understand how Machine Translations are saved to the Translation Memory
To find out what MT Profiles are in which workflows:
- In the Account Settings dropdown, click on Machine Translation Settings
- Click on the Profiles tab
- Under Workflows, click the number to view a list of active workflows with the MT Profile