Typically, if you have a different set of languages for different files, then you have to use different smartling-config.json files. You can configure the Repo Connector to handle more than one smartling-config.json, but unfortunately the Repo Connector can only accept one smartling-config.json per repository.
In other words:
- If you have smartling-config-1.json and smartling-config-2.json in repository /my-app.git then the Repo Connector will pick up only one of the configuration files
- If you have smartling-config-1.json in repository /my-app-1.git and smartling-config-2.json in /my-app-2.git, then the Repo Connector will pull files from /my-app-1.git and /my-app-2.git according to configurations.
$ java -jar repo-connector-1.5.0.jar 2016-06-03 19:49:27,397 INFO Configuration is cfg usage: repo-connector -configuration <dir> define configuration directory, default configuration directory is cfg -help print help message -start start github listening -stop stop github listening
This way, you can copy instances of the Repo application and specify different configuration for each one.
Let's say we have the following structure of the original content
site └───themes ├───partials │ └───en-DE │ footer.html │ └───templates ├───en-JP │ home.html │ └───en-NL home.html
And we want to translate:
en-DE -> de-DE en-DE -> nl-NL
en-JP -> zh-CN en-JP -> es-ES
en-NL -> nl-NL en-NL -> ru-RU
First, you prepare 3 different smartling-config.json files. You can commit them in the repository or keep on the server side together with repo-connector.conf. Below examples of target files:
Example 1
// en-DE will be translated only to 2 languages: de-DE and nl-NL
"locales": [
"smartling" : "de-DE",
"application" : "de-DE"
"smartling" : "nl-NL",
"application" : "nl-NL"
"resourceSets": [
"type" : "html",
// Select all files under site/themes folder and also have en-DE folder in the path
"pathRegex" : "site\\/themes\\/(?<subFolders>.*)\\/en-DE\\/(?<filePath>.*)\\.html",
"translationPathExpression" : "/site/themes/${subFolders}/${locale}/${filePath}.${originalFile.extension}",
"translationCommitMessage" : "Translated ${originalFile.fullName} to ${locale}",
"smartlingDirectives" : ["smartling.placeholder_format_custom = \\{\\{.+?\\}\\}"]
Example 2
// en-JP will be translated only to 2 languages: zh-CN and es-ES
"locales": [
"smartling" : "zh-CN",
"application" : "zh-CN"
"smartling" : "es",
"application" : "es-ES"
"resourceSets": [
"type" : "html",
// Select all files under site/themes folder and also have en-JP folder in the path
"pathRegex" : "site\\/themes\\/(?<subFolders>.*)\\/en-JP\\/(?<filePath>.*)\\.html",
"translationPathExpression" : "/site/themes/${subFolders}/${locale}/${filePath}.${originalFile.extension}",
"translationCommitMessage" : "Translated ${originalFile.fullName} to ${locale}",
"smartlingDirectives" : ["smartling.placeholder_format_custom = \\{\\{.+?\\}\\}"]
Example 3
// en-NL will be translated only to 2 languages: de-DE and nl-NL
"locales": [
"smartling" : "nl-NL",
"application" : "nl-NL"
"smartling" : "ru-RU",
"application" : "ru-RU"
"resourceSets": [
"type" : "html",
// Select all files under site/themes folder and also have en-NL folder in the path
"pathRegex" : "site\\/themes\\/(?<subFolders>.*)\\/en-NL\\/(?<filePath>.*)\\.html",
"translationPathExpression" : "/site/themes/${subFolders}/${locale}/${filePath}.${originalFile.extension}",
"translationCommitMessage" : "Translated ${originalFile.fullName} to ${locale}",
"smartlingDirectives" : ["smartling.placeholder_format_custom = \\{\\{.+?\\}\\}"]
All 3 example files above can be committed into the repository like so:
smartling-config-en-DE.json smartling-config-en-JP.json smartling-config-en-NL.json site └───themes ├───partials │ └───en-DE │ footer.html │ └───templates ├───en-JP │ home.html │ └───en-NL home.html
Next, configure the Repo Connector.
In the example above, we want to run 3 instances of the Repo Connector. The configuration folder path should be passed into the command line.
Copy the existing "cfg" folder into "cfg-en-DE", "cfg-en-JP" and "cfg-nl-NL". The Repo Connector folder now contains the following:
readme.txt repo-connector-1.5.0.jar smartling-config-example.json activemq-data cfg-en-DE logback.xml repo-connector.conf cfg-en-JP logback.xml repo-connector.conf cfg-en-NL logback.xml repo-connector.conf lib activation-1.1.jar ...
Next, modify repo-connector.conf in each folder
- Set git url and git credentials
- Set proper resourcesConfig. An example, you configure for en-DE folder, then
"resourcesConfig": "smartling-config-en-DE.json",
for en-NL will be
"resourcesConfig": "smartling-config-en-NL.json",
- Set unique ports for http listeners (we use them for managing the Repo Connector status and Webhooks\Callbacks)
"manager": { // port for status and stop commands transmission. Choose any free port differ from http one // If you want to start several repo-connector instances each of them must have it own unique port "managePort" : "7777" }, // Settings for repo-connector http listener "http": { // Port for the Webhooks and Callback listeners. Choose any free port. // If you want to start several repo-connector instances each of them must have it own unique port "port": "5555", }
Now you can start 3 instances of the same the Repo Connector app, but with different configurations.
java -jar repo-connector-1.5.0.jar -configuration ./cfg-en-DE -start
java -jar repo-connector-1.5.0.jar -configuration ./cfg-en-JP -start
java -jar repo-connector-1.5.0.jar -configuration ./cfg-en-NL -start
Using the above steps, one file was translated, /github_test/multiple-configurations/site/themes/partials/en-DE/footer.html, and only the first Repo Connector application picked up changes and pushed it to the repository. Now you can find the new file in the repository (site/themes/partials/de-DE/footer.html)
smartling-config-en-DE.json smartling-config-en-JP.json smartling-config-en-NL.json site └───themes ├───partials │ ├───de-DE │ │ footer.html │ │ │ └───en-DE │ footer.html │ └───templates ├───en-JP │ home.html │ └───en-NL home.html