The MT Usage Report gives you insights to the volume of machine translation in your account, and how your MT usage in Smartling is trending over time.
The MT Usage Report highlights your total word count of machine translation in Smartling. You can view how many words each MT provider is translating for you, and what areas in Smartling use MT in your account, including MT in the workflow, MT in the GDN, and MT in the Zendesk Support Plugin.
You can refine the report by filtering within a specific date range, or by languages.
Access The Report
In Smartling, click the Reports dropdown > MT Usage Report
The report itemizes your MT usages, which includes the following columns:
- Project name
- MT Profile UID
- Origin
- Router Type:
- Source locale ID
- Target locale ID
- Word Count
This report may show limited data before Jan. 1, 2023.