This article is for Account Owners and Project Managers.
The Smartling Eloqua connector allows you to translate Eloqua content with visual context. Translations are requested from within Eloqua, and translated content is automatically sent back to your Eloqua instance.
The Eloqua Connector supports translation of the following content types:
- Landing Pages
- Forms
- Lists
- Dynamic Content
Once you have connected your Eloqua account and configured the connector, you will find Eloqua content in the Eloqua tab in your Smartling project.
Request Translations
There are two ways in which you can Request Translation;
1) Select the asset > Actions > Request Translation. This option also allows you to select multiple assets for translation.
2) Click the information icon of an asset > Request Translation. This option allows you to request translation for only that individual asset.
Both options will open the Request Translation wizard.
The Request Translation two-step wizard will appear for you to enter the Job details. You can choose to create a New Job or add the asset to an Existing Job.
- Insert the Job Name - the title for the translation task in Smartling.
- Ensure the file selection is correct. Click the X to remove any asset listed.
- Insert a description for the linguists, if desired.
- Select the Target Languages.
- Click Save Job and Continue to create the Job in Smartling.
The next step will display the Job Processing. Once the processing is complete, the Authorize Job button will activate by turning blue. Click Authorize Job to set a Job Due Date, choose the workflow and submit the asset(s) for translation.
Translate Dynamic Content
Dynamic content is a filetype within Eloqua that makes it possible to show variable content to different email recipients. Eloqua users can create multiple rules within dynamic content to control who sees what based on a recipient attribute, such as their city. Dynamic content can be used as an alternative for managing translated emails. Rather than duplicating an email for each additional language, you can use dynamic content to manage any translations needed in a single email. For example, this is useful if you want to make HTML changes to an email, but don't want to have it update in multiple locations.
To translate dynamic content:
- In your Eloqua project, click the Eloqua tab.
- From Asset Type, select Single File Dynamic Content.
- Find the files you'd like to translate and request translation as usual. Your dynamic content should only contain a single default rule. Smartling will extract the content from this default rule and create a new rule for each language once it's been translated. When creating the rule, you'll need to define the contact field that Smartling should use.
For example, you may have a Language contact field that defines what language a recipient’s email should be in. You can select this by going to:
- Click the gear icon and select Project Settings > Eloqua Settings. Under Contact Field for Dynamic Content Rules, select which attribute to use. Let’s say your default rule is, Mutant turtles typically prefer pizza, and you’ve selected Language as the contact field to use.
- After requesting translation for this dynamic content in Brazilian Portuguese and fully translating the content, if you open this dynamic content file in Eloqua, you should see a new rule called “pt-BR". The content should be Tartarugas mutantes costumam preferir pizza, and the Compare Contact Fields setting should be set to Language with the value “pt-BR”.
Visual Context Support
Visual context helps linguists get your translations right the first time - reducing translation cost and time to market. Visual context is automatically captured by the Eloqua connector for landing pages and emails.
Getting Translations to Eloqua
As translations are completed, they are automatically sent to your Eloqua instance, to the folder configured in your settings. Files that have never been translated in Smartling before are delivered back as soon as the file has been translated in Smartling.
Files that have been translated previously but have since been updated, the translations are returned as per your Eloqua Connector configuration - every three hours is the default and recommended frequency.
You can always get the translation to Eloqua manually as well. To perform a manual export of translated content from Smartling to Google Drive:
- From your Eloqua project, click the Eloqua tab
- Select the translated assets to download (Bulk-Select and Export is supported)
- Click Actions and select Export Translation
Rewrite Rules
Use the connector's Rewrite Rules feature to localize content such as URLs and phone numbers in Eloqua content.
Create Rewrite Rules
- From within your Eloqua project in Smartling, click the gear icon and select Project Settings > Eloqua Settings.
- On the left, click Eloqua Rewrite Rules.
- Click Create Rule.
- In the Pattern field, type the exact text you would like to replace in your source Eloqua content in the text box that appears at the top of your screen.
- In the Order field to the right, type the desired order for the rule to fire.
- In the Rewrite section, type the exact text you would like to replace the source text with for each language.
- Click Save to save your rule, or Cancel to exit the menu.
The rewrite rule will be applied across all assets you translate from Eloqua, in the order you have configured your rules to be executed.
Edit or Delete Rewrite Rules
- From your Eloqua project, click the gear icon and select Project Settings > Eloqua Settings.
- On the left, click Eloqua Rewrite Rules.
- On the left, next to the rule you would like to edit or remove, click the three dots and select Edit or Remove.
Handling Updates to Eloqua Content
Your Smartling Administrator can configure your connector to automatically submit new content when changes are made to your source Eloqua content. The connector will check your Eloqua instance for updated source content every three hours.
If your connector is set to Manual or Disabled mode, you'll need to resubmit Eloqua content manually using the steps described above when changes are made to your source content.