A TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) file is a file format used for exchanging translation memory data created by a CAT Tool.
TMX files contain XML-formatted text that describes a map. As long as TMX follows the right TMX specifications, it can be directly imported. It is important to ensure that the languages in your TMX file contains locale codes as seen in our Supported Languages document.
As with all file uploads to Smartling, a subsequent import of the same TMX file, with the same naming convention, will result in the previous TMX import being overwritten.
TMX imports do not preserve plural information, meaning once imported, all information about plural forms for the translations is lost.
TMX File Specifications
TMX files must follow the TMX standard. Specifications appear here.
In addition to the TMX standard, the file must contain a < header > tag with srclang and datatype attributes/values, for example:
The srclang must be specified in the < header > and all other srclang declarations within the document must match this value. The value is not case-sensitive, so in the above example, en-US could be en-us.
The datatype value must be one of the following:
- unknown
- html
- plaintext
- rtf
- sgml
- xml
If the first line of your TMX file looks like this:
<TWBExportFile version="7.0" generator="TW4Win" build="">
This is a legacy TM format that does not conform to the latest TMX standards, and Smartling will not import the file. You can convert these TMX files to standard TMX files using free converters, such as XBench.
Tip: For steps to importing a TMX, read our documentation on Importing a TMX File.