At times, there may be strings captured from a webpage or file that you don't want to translate. For these cases, you can exclude strings of strings from being translated.
Likewise, there may be times when you need to restore excluded strings, so the strings can be translated or deleted.
This feature is useful for excluding strings like email addresses, proper names, company names, addresses, trademarked terms, etc. from being translated.
The following behaviors apply when you Exclude strings:
- Strings will not enter the translation workflow, so you do not incur translation costs.
- Excluded strings will appear untranslated in your translated file or webpage - it will not be removed.
- Excluded strings can be found in the Strings View, by filtering by Status > Excluded.
- For GDN projects, if you want to avoid adding a string to your permanent exclusion list, delete the string instead via the Actions menu. Strings must not be excluded before being deleted.
- Exclusions apply on the string level. If you upload a new file with a string that has already been excluded, you will need to exclude the new instance of the string, unless your project is configured to share strings, or you are using the Global Delivery Network.
Exclude strings from the Strings View
- From a project, click the Strings tab.
- With the filters on the left, find the string(s) you want to exclude.
- Check the boxes next to the strings to exclude or select all strings.
- Click Actions and select Exclude.
- In the dialog that appears, click Exclude again to confirm.
Restore strings from the Strings View
If you would like to restore excluded strings, you will need to first restore the strings in the Strings view and then reauthorize them.
- From a project, click the Strings tab.
- In the Status filter, select Excluded.
- Check the boxes next to the strings you want to restore.
- Select Actions and click Restore Excluded.
- The restored strings will automatically be sent back to Awaiting Authorization, and you'll need to authorize them to begin the translation process.
- Go to the Strings View
- Filter the Status to Awaiting Authorization
- If the restored strings belong to a specific Job or File, use the Job and/or File filter to locate the restored strings.
- Select the strings > Actions > Request Translation
- Do one of the following:
- To add the strings back into a Job that has already been created, choose to add strings to an existing Job, and search for the Job name in the dropdown menu
- To create a new Job for the strings, choose "new Job" in the modal
- Click Confirm > Authorize
Advanced Content Exclusion
You can pre-format your file or source code to instruct Smartling to exclude strings for translation as strings are captured. Strategies to do this depends on your content type and/or solution: