In addition to viewing previous translations for similar strings (fuzzy matches) in the Language Resources panel of the CAT Tool, you can search all the available translation memory entries to see past translations for any string, in the source or available target languages in the project.
You can perform different types of searches, for example:
- A phrase search such as: hello world
- A translation
- Case-sensitive versus case-insensitive search
Search Translation Memory
- From the CAT Tool, click the Search TM tab.
- Toggle between target languages using the language dropdown menu.
- Click the date fields to filter for TM entries translated before or after a certain date.
- You also have the following search options:
- Search Target: By default, the search is on words in the source, however, if "Search Target" is enabled, then the search will be on the words in the translation.
- Published Only: The search will only return results of strings that have been published.
- Match Case: The search will take case into account. Therefore, searching for "LOGIN" would not return "Login".
- Exact Match: If this is selected, the search result has to exactly match the query, character for character.
- Type keywords in the search field and press Enter on your keyboard.
From within the Search TM tab click New window to keep it open in its own separate window. This is particularly useful if you're using an external monitor. It allows you to perform a concordance search and view context at the same time.
Display String Details
The TM search results display details about the translated string, such as:
- Source
- Target
- The name of the Translator along with the respective TM
- The date that the TM was last translated
- If the string was imported in a TMX file without the dates properly mapped, the date will be missing here.
- Whether the string has been published
Inserting TM Entries
Click Insert TM to quickly add a TM entry into the string. Ensure the string selected in the strings panel is the correct string you want to add the TM entry to. Re-clicking Insert TM will re-insert the TM entry. Ensure to move your string selection before inserting a TM to avoid multiple entries inserted on the one string (pictured).
Alternatively, you can insert any TM matches found from the source string, under Languages Resources. Hover over the match to expand and view more detail. Click Insert or user a shortcut to use the entry as the string translation.