There is a range of quality check types that content owners can configure within a project. Each quality check has a severity level, which will impact how your work can be submitted, as well as how your work is evaluated by content owners in reporting.
Translations that cause a quality check error, and the severity is set to a high, will not be saved or submitted to the next step in the workflow until the error is rectified. If a high-severity error is blocking submission, you could open an issue and communicate why the translation is valid with the content owner so that they can adjust the error severity and unblock the translation.
Translations that cause a quality check error, and the severity is set to medium, can be saved and submitted to the next step in the workflow without rectifying the error. However, upon submission, a pop-up will appear warning you of the error. You must choose to save with errors to submit the content to the next step.
Translations that cause a quality check error, and the severity is set to low, can be saved and submitted to the next step in the workflow without rectifying the error. A warning will flag in the Quality Check panel on the right-hand side of the CAT Tool.
Viewing Quality Checks in the CAT Tool
Quality check are flagged in the CAT Tool, within the Quality Check tab
Additionally, under the Quality Checks panel on the right-hand side.
When Do Quality Checks Run?
Not all quality checks run at the same time. It depends on the type of quality check, and the action you are taking in the CAT Tool. There are four different actions that cause quality checks to run:
- When you activate the string
- When you type in the translation panel
- When you save strings
- When you run a quality check report
This is when you click on the string or segment in the translation panel. This also includes when a translation is pre-populated.
Types of quality checks that run on a segment-level:
- Spellcheck
- Leading or trailing spaces
- Blocklist
- Whitespaces
- Placeholder
- Tag consistency
- Insertable consistency
- Emoji consistency
- Number consistency
- Repeated words
- Target in the wrong language
- Source in the wrong language
- Capitalization consistency
- Legal symbol consistency
Types of quality checks that run on a string-level:
- Target length limit
- Custom length limit
- Plurals
This is when you type any character in the string or segment in the translation panel.
Types of quality checks that run on a segment-level:
- Spellcheck
- Leading or trailing spaces
- Blocklist
- Whitespaces
- Placeholder
- Tag consistency
- Insertable consistency
- Emoji consistency
- Number consistency
- Repeated words
- Target in the wrong language
- Source in the wrong language
- Capitalization consistency
- Legal symbol consistency
Types of quality checks that run on a string-level:
- Target length limit
- String length limit
- Plurals
This is when you save the string or segment.
Types of quality checks that run on a segment-level:
- Spellcheck
- Leading or trailing spaces
- Blocklist
- Whitespaces
- Placeholder
- Tag consistency
- Punctuation consistency
- Insertable consistency
- Emoji consistency
- Number consistency
- Repeated words
- Target in the wrong language
- Source in the wrong language
- Capitalization consistency
- Legal symbol consistency
- Original string equals target string
- Segment completeness
- Glossary compliance
- Custom quality checks
Types of quality checks that run on a string-level:
- Target length limit
- String length limit
- Plurals
This is when you run a full quality check report by clicking Check now in the Quality Checks tab
Types of quality checks that run on a segment-level:
- Spellcheck
- Leading or trailing spaces
- Blocklist
- Whitespaces
- Placeholder
- Tag consistency
- Punctuation consistency
- Insertable consistency
- Emoji consistency
- Number consistency
- Repeated words
- Target in the wrong language
- Source in the wrong language
- Capitalization consistency
- Legal symbol consistency
- Original string equals target string
- Segment completeness
- Glossary compliance
- Custom quality checks
Types of quality checks that run on a string-level:
- Target length limit
- String length limit
- Plurals
- Target/source consistency
Running a Quality Check Report
To save time in revising translations, and increase content owner satisfaction in your work, it is always a best practice to run a quality check before submitting your work.
Open the Quality Check tab to run a Quality Check report on your translations.
By default, the scope of the report runs on the current page of translations.
If you have multiple pages and would like to check all translations, you must navigate through each page on strings.
Click the Check now button to run the Quality Check report
- This creates a report of all errors detected in your translations. A string with a translation error will show a warning icon next to it. The color of the warning icon depends on the severity of the error.
- Click on a quality check to bring you directly to the string that needs attention. The report updates itself in real-time. Once you are certain that you have fixed all quality errors, you are ready to submit your translations.