If you use Smartling Language Services as a translation provider, Account Owners can get an overview of your spending from the Account Invoices report.
Reports are generated for any work done since July 2021.
The invoice includes translation fees, and line items such as rush fees, Project Management fees, DTP work, and any other translation service provided by the team will be listed under the Activity column.
You will also find the Smartling Project name, Job name, languages, the Fuzzy Match Profile name and the rate per item.
Note, the current month's invoice will only include translation fees for work completed in Smartling to date. The total cost of translation fees and additional translation services are calculated at the end of the month (e.g. Jan), and will be listed when we are in the next month (e.g. Feb).
The currency symbol displayed is always $, regardless of the currency you pay in. We are working on an improvement to display the correct currency symbol. However, rest assured that the monetary value is in line with your rate card.
Accessing the Report
- Log into Smartling
- Click Reports > Account Invoices
You can download a CSV of the report by clicking Download Report.