Follow the steps outlined below to enable Smartling's AI Translation Toolkit and its features.
Step 1: Enabling the AI Translation Toolkit (done by Smartling)
To enable the AI Translation Toolkit for your Smartling account, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. The individual features which are part of the Toolkit can then be activated by you.
Step 2: Enabling the individual Toolkit features
The features which are part of the AI Translation Toolkit cannot be purchased separately, but they can each be enabled or disabled individually, as needed. While this checklist includes information on all features that are part of the Toolkit, you may decide to enable only one or some of them, depending on your translation needs.
Please note that the AI Translation Toolkit is a paid feature. Each of the following features can incur additional costs. For pricing information, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Enabling AI-Enhanced Glossary Term Insertion
- Follow these steps to optimize your Glossary for Machine Translation.
Recommended but optional: Before setting up AI-Enhanced Glossary Term Insertion, we would recommend creating a dedicated new MT Profile that this feature will be enabled for.
This helps avoid incurring additional costs for any content that does not require AI-Enhanced Glossary Term Insertion.
If you require any assistance with creating a new MT Profile, please reach out to your Smartling Customer Success Manager. Once fully configured, the new MT Profile can then be used for any relevant MT workflows or integrations. -
Configure Glossary Term Insertion for the MT Profile used for your MT workflow or integration.
- For best results, ensure to select the MT Optimized Glossary.
- Select the AI-Enhanced insertion type.
- If you had previously enabled Standard Insertion, you can easily switch to AI-Enhanced Insertion:
Once enabled, edit the Glossary Term Insertion settings from the Machine Translation Settings > Profiles. Click on the text Standard insertion enabled and switch to the AI-Enhanced insertion type.
Enabling AI Fuzzy Match Repair
Enable TM Match Insertion in Machine Translations by following these steps.
If a human Post-Edit step is used, a threshold of 75-85% is generally recommended for TM Match Insertion. If the MT workflow does not include a step for human Post-Editing, the threshold should be set at 99-100%. -
Recommended but optional: Apply fuzzy match discounts to post-translation steps.
Based on your vendor agreement with your Language Services Provider, lower Post-Edit rates may apply for machine translated content with high fuzzy matches. To benefit from any cost savings, this setting allows you to enable fuzzy match discounts to a Post-Edit step.
❗Note that this is an account-level setting and affects all workflows and vendors. If you do not want to enable fuzzy match discounts on Post-Edit steps, you can skip this.
If you decide to skip this step, you can still use AI Fuzzy Match Repair. However, you will not see any Fuzzy Match Repair savings in the AIT Hub dashboard or in the Word Count report. Also, the "Translation Memory Leverage for MT" report will not be populated and the "Translation Memory Leverage" section in the AI Translation Hub Dashboard will be empty. - AI Fuzzy Match Repair then needs to be enabled on the Machine Translation step of the relevant MT workflow(s), by following these steps.
Enabling Edit Effort Estimation for Machine Translation
Recommended but optional: Create a Fuzzy Match Profile that includes Edit Effort Estimation discounts.
Based on your vendor agreement with your Language Services Provider, lower post-editing rates may apply for content with a low estimated level of edit effort. Once the AI Translation Toolkit has been enabled, Edit Effort Estimation discounts can be added to your Fuzzy Match Profile to account for any cost savings. -
Recommended but optional: Apply fuzzy match discounts to post-translation steps, in order for the Edit Effort Estimation discounts to be applied correctly to the Post-Edit step of your MTPE workflow.
❗Note that this is an account-level setting and affects all workflows and vendors. - Indicate the industry (domain) of your organization or brand in the Style Guide.
To better evaluate the estimated edit effort, your organization's industry or domain is used as an additional input to provide a better understanding what type of content (terminology, tone of voice etc.) is appropriate.
In the Style Guide(s) used for the relevant Linguistic Package(s), under Company/Brand Overview, select the industry (domain) of your organization or brand from the drop-down menu.
You can also choose “Other” and then specify the industry in the free form text field to the right.
Only one industry can be added per Style Guide, but you can specify a different one in each Style Guide.
❗Note: The industry can only be added in the Smartling Style Guide Template, not in the WYSIWYG editor for custom Style Guides. If you are currently using a custom Style Guide, we would recommend creating a new one using the Smartling Template, and associating it with the relevant Linguistic Package(s). - Follow these steps to enable Edit Effort Estimation on the Machine Translation step of the relevant MTPE workflow(s).
Optional: A Dynamic Workflow with a post-translation Decision step can be created to route the machine translated content based on Edit effort estimation labels. Based on the predicted level of edit effort, strings can be sent to different branches in the workflow, so human validation steps can be utilized in the most efficient way.
Enabling AI Formality Adjustment for Machine Translation
- Indicate the preferred level of formality in the Style Guide:
In order for this feature to work, you first need to indicate if your audience should be addressed in a formal or informal register. In the Style Guide(s) used for the relevant Linguistic Package(s), under Language Conventions, select if the subject should be formal or informal.
❗Note: In order for your preferred level of formality to be recognized, the Smartling Style Guide Template needs to be used. If you are currently using a custom Style Guide with the WYSIWYG editor, you will need to create a new Style Guide using the Smartling Template, and associate it with the relevant Linguistic Package(s).
- If a formal style is selected, regular Machine Translations will be applied, as they generally use a formal register.
- If an informal style is selected, AI Formality Adjustment will be used to change the style to an informal register.
AI Formality Adjustment then needs to be enabled for the Machine Translation step of the relevant MT workflow(s) by following these steps.
- Switch on the toggle to Enable AI Formality Adjustment.
- Once enabled, you can then select if AI Formality Adjustment should be applied to all content translated with this MT workflow, or if the formality of any inserted TM matches should be kept unaltered.
- Switch on the toggle to Enable AI Formality Adjustment.
Step 3: Checking in with your Customer Success Manager
Feel free to reach out to your Smartling Customer Success Manager to discuss any questions during the setup process.
Your Customer Success Manager will also be able to confirm if all features have been set up correctly, and provide guidance regarding pricing and your usage of the AI Translation Toolkit.
Step 4: Tracking results and usage in the AIT Hub Dashboard
The AI Translation Hub Dashboard provides pre-configured reports that allow you to check how Smartling's AI Translation Toolkit helps optimize your Machine Translation process.
We would recommend checking the available reports on a regular basis to monitor your usage and results of the Toolkit and its features.